
五矿孤岛工作面水力致裂技术实践应用研究 被引量:1

Practical Application of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology in Isolated Island Working Face of No.5 Coal Mine
摘要 8412孤岛工作面位于阳煤五矿贵石沟四采区,根据已往经验,工作面两端头阶段性大面积悬顶,极易造成上下隅角瓦斯积聚,孤岛工作面回采期间矿压显现明显、巷道断面维护难度大、对正常行人及运料产生严重影响。为了保证安全快速回采,特在进风巷道开展水力压裂切顶卸压现场试验,通过应用水力压裂切顶卸压技术对顶板岩层进行水力压裂卸压,削弱上覆岩层储存的高应力,缓解采动对顺槽稳定性的影响,减弱顶板对煤柱的应力作用,保证工作面正常回采。实践证明,水力致裂技术的应用降低了巷道维护难度,提升了工作面单产水平,经济效益显著。 The 8412 isolated island working face is located in Guishigou No.4 mining area of Yangquan Coal Industry Group No.5 Coal Mine.According to past experience,large area suspended roof at both ends of the working face is easy to cause gas accumu-lation at the upper and lower corners.During the mining period of isolated island working face,the mine pressure is obvious,the maintenance of roadway section is difficult,and it has a serious impact on normal pedestrians and material transportation.In order to ensure the safety and rapid mining,this paper specially carried out the hydraulic fracturing and roof cutting pressure relief field test in the air inlet tunnel.Through the application of the hydraulic fracturing and roof cutting pressure relief technology to the roof strata,the high stress stored in the overlying strata was weakened,the influence of mining on the stability of the channel was relieved,the stress effect of the roof on the coal pillar was weakened,and the normal mining of the working face was ensured.Practice shows that the application of hydraulic fracturing technology reduces the difficulty of roadway maintenance,improves the unit production level of working face,and has significant economic benefits.
作者 刘宏杰 LIU Hongjie(No.5 Coal Mine,Yangquan Coal Industry Group,Yangquan 045000,Shanxi,China)
出处 《能源与节能》 2020年第5期181-183,共3页 Energy and Energy Conservation
关键词 水力致裂技术 孤岛工作面 端头维护 hydraulic fracturing technology isolated island working face end maintenance
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