
新时期上海合作组织与全球治理 被引量:12

Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Global Governance in the New Era
摘要 扩员后全球治理在上海合作组织中的地位凸显,成为新时期上合组织发展新的着力点。上合组织参与全球治理经历了从开始起步到积极参与,再到主动作为的发展历程,参与的广度和深度不断提升,对全球治理的影响和作用呈上扬之势。印巴加入上合组织、中俄强化制度对接合作和美国大行单边主义、保守主义是促使新时期上合组织加大参与全球治理的主要动因。不断丰富的先进治理理念,日臻完善的制度性建设、日益密切的对外合作使上合组织参与全球治理占有得天独厚的优势,具有广阔的发展空间和潜力。但上合组织参与全球治理也面临内外挑战,美国等西方国家的偏见和掣肘、地区形势复杂多变、自身内部治理不足等对上合组织参与全球治理形成制约。应从构建人类命运共同体高度充分认识上合组织参与全球治理的重要性和紧迫性,切实提升全球治理在新时期上合组织发展中的地位,注重提高自身参与全球治理的能力,着力参与全球经济治理的改革和建设进程,不断创新参与全球治理方式,为建立公正、合理、可持续的全球治理体系作出应有贡献。 After the expansion of membership,global governance has played a prominent role in the SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)and has become a new focal point for the development of the SCO in the new era.The SCO’s participation in global governance has gone through the course of development from inception,active involvement to active action.With the increasing scope and depth of the SCO’s participation,its influence on global governance is on the rise.India and Pakistan’s accession to the SCO,the deepening of China-Russia cooperation on institutional synergy,and the United States’unilateralism and conservatism are the main reasons for the SCO to strengthen its participation in global governance in the new era.The SCO enjoys a unique advantage and plenty of room in development in global governance thanks to its continuous enrichment of advanced governance concepts,improving institutional construction,and increasingly close international cooperation.However,the SCO’s participation in global governance also faces internal and external challenges.The stereotypes of China in the United States and other western countries,the complex and changing regional situation,and the lack of internal governance all hinder the SCO’s participation in global governance.We should fully understand the importance and urgency of the SCO’s participation in global governance from the perspective of building a community of shared future for mankind,and earnestly improve the position of global governance in the development of the SCO in the new era,by improving its ability to participate in global governance,engaging in the reform and construction of global economic governance,and constantly innovating the way of involving in global governance,so as to make due contribution to the establishment of a fair,reasonable and sustainable global governance system.
作者 邓浩 Deng Hao
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期75-91,137,138,共19页 International Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“上海合作组织命运共同体构建研究”(项目编号:2019ZDA130)的阶段性成果。
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