
东部地区率先发展战略:变迁、成效与新构想 被引量:7

Pioneering Development Strategy of the Eastern Region:Change,Effect and New Concept
摘要 东部地区率先发展战略是21世纪国家区域发展总体战略的组成部分,是国家遵循区域经济增长阶段演进规律、立足于全国发展大局所做出的科学抉择。在此战略引领下,东部地区自2006年进行了一场主动和有组织的经济发展转型,取得了明显的成效。在新时代,东部地区率先发展战略需因应国内外形势的重大变化而作出调整。按照新时代建设现代化强国的总体战略部署,建议东部地区要健全以自主创新为主导的创新驱动发展机制、加快形成新型产业结构、大力提升开放型经济层次、优化空间发展格局、发挥和创新制度优势,争取到2035年左右在全国率先建成现代化经济体系,率先基本实现现代化,在全国现代化强国建设中发挥重要的引领和示范作用;到2050年率先全面实现现代化,为我国建成现代化强国发挥重要的支撑作用,在世界经济发展中占据主导地位。同时,建议国家研究制定新时代东部地区率先发展战略,编制相应的区域规划和制定配套的区域政策,并在国家层面建立相应的领导协调机制,以确保该战略更有效的实施。 The pioneering development strategy in the eastern region is an integral part of the national strategy for overall regional development in the new century.It is a scientific decision made by the state to follow the evolutionary rules of the regional economic growth stage and based on the overall development of the country.Under the guidance of this strategy,the eastern region has undergone an active and organized economic development transformation since 2006,and achieved remarkable successes.In the new era,the strategy of taking the lead in the development of the eastern region needs to be adjusted in response to major changes in the domestic and external situation.In accordance with the national overall strategic deployment of building a modern and powerful country in the new era,it is recommended that the eastern region should improve the innovation-driven development mechanism featured with independent innovation,accelerate the formation of a new industrial structure,vigorously enhance the level of open economy,optimize the spatial development pattern,and play and innovate institutional advantages,in order to aim to take the lead in building a modern economic system in the whole country,take the lead in basically realizing modernization,and play an important leading and demonstrating role in the construction of a powerful modern country around 2035.What′s more,eastern region should take the lead in realizing modernization in an all-round way,play an important supporting role in building China into a modern powerful country,and play a dominant role in world economic development.At the same time,it is suggested that the state should study and formulate the development strategy of the eastern region in the new era,formulate corresponding regional planning and matching regional policies,and establish corresponding leadership and coordination mechanism at the national level to ensure the implementation of the strategy in a more effective way.
作者 覃成林 张震 贾善铭 QIN Chenglin;ZHANG Zhen;JIA Shanming(College of Economics,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第4期58-71,共14页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA055) 国家社会科学基金重点项目(17AJL011) 暨南大学经纬粤港澳大湾区经济发展研究院资助。
关键词 东部地区 率先发展战略 经济发展转型 区域发展总体战略 eastern region the pioneering development strategy economic development transformation the overall strategy of regional development
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