French writer Victor Segalen and American poet Ezra Pound are two special examples of those who obtained creative inspirations from Chinese characters.Their works are mixed with Chinese characters in their mother tongue,with some misinterpretations or word coinages.The reasons for this are that they had a special liking for Chinese culture and regarded it as their spiritual homeland.Segalen’s and Pound’s misuses of Chinese characters seem to be unforgivable common-sense mistakes in themselves.Nevertheless,in their respective literary traditions,these mistakes have made considerable contributions to the development of poetry in their respective countries.Meanwhile,from the perspective of cross-cultural research,intercultural exchange and integration is allowed to take place under misinterpretations,as it is impossible for us to communicate with another culture after a thorough study of it.Therefore,the misuses of Chinese characters by Segalen and Pound are normal in intercultural communication.As long as the results of the misinterpretations are the creation of valuable achievements,they are worthy of affirmation.
Social Sciences in Guangdong