
Fractal characteristics of Heterocapsa Circularisquama and Prorocentrum Dentatum cells growth

摘要 This paper investigates behaviors that a set of initial cell densities of Heterocapsa Circularisquama(HC)and Proroce nt rum Dentatum(PD)and a set of environmental factors disturbing the growth of HC and PD cells formed in their growth process,which are actually fractal phenomena.First,the calculation of the fractal dimension of the set of initial cell densities of HC and PD is given in the paper.Second,by controlling the set of initial cell density,HC and PD cells grow according to a given growth target.The approximate or same behaviors of two different sets of initial cell densities of HC and PD are realized by introducing the coupling terms.Finally,the set of environmental factors distu rbing the growth of HC and PD cells is construe ted by introducing real parameters.Then the result that makes HC and PD cells growing according to a given growth target is reached by a proper mathematical transform to the real parameters.The approximate or same behaviors of the set of environmental factors disturbing the growth of HC and PD cells are realized by introducing the coupling terms.
出处 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 SCIE 2019年第8期143-164,共22页 生物数学学报(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.U1806203 and 61533011).
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