
新型冠状病毒肺炎病例1403例密切接触者发病分析 被引量:11

Incidence analysis of 1403 close contacts of corona virus disease 2019 patients in different contact modes
摘要 目的了解新型冠状病毒肺炎病例密切接触者的接触情况和发病情况。方法采用回顾性流行病学方法,对2020年1月23日至2月29日追踪到的1403例新型冠状病毒病例密切接触者的接触情况和发病情况进行描述分析,并应用χ^2检验进行比较分析。结果密切接触者的接触频率以偶尔接触(78.62%)为主。本地病例的密切接触者与外地病例的密切接触者的接触地点、接触方式的构成有明显差别。本地病例的密切接触者罹患率为2.37%,外地病例的密切接触者罹患率为0,总体密切接触者罹患率为1.78%。结论密切接触者发病与接触的频率、接触程度有关,共同居住生活,导致频繁接触,从而引起多起家庭聚集性发病,其罹患率显著高于其他接触情况的罹患率。落实家庭防控措施,有助于减少家庭聚集性发病。 Objective To study the exposure and incidence of close contacts of corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19)cases.Methods The retrospective epidemiological method w as used to describe and analyze the contact and incidence of 1403 close contacts from January 23 to February 29,2020,and the comparative analysis w as made usingχ^2 test.Results The frequency of close contacts w as mainly occasional(78.62%).There w as a difference in the composition of locations and w ays of contact betw een contacts of local and nonlocal cases.The attack rate of close contacts of local cases w as 2.37%,and that of nonlocal cases w as 0.The mean attack rate of all close contacts w as 1.78%.Conclusion The incidence of close contacts has a correlation w ith the frequency and degree of contact.Living together results in the frequent contact,w hich further leads to multiple clusters in families.The attack rate of family cluster is significantly higher than that of other contacts.Implementing family prevention and control measures w ill help reduce the attack rate of family cluster.
作者 周林 刘晓雪 李战 耿兴义 刘庆皆 ZHOU Lin;LIU Xiaoxue;LI Zhan;GENG Xingyi;LIU Qingjie(COVID-19 Disposal Team of Jinan Center For Disease Control And Prevention,Jinan 250021,Shandong,China;Zhangqiu Center For Disease Control And Prevention,Jinan 250000,Shandong,China)
出处 《山东大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第4期58-61,共4页 Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 密切接触者 罹患率 Corona virus disease 2019 Close contacts Attack rate
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