
中国为什么要坚持土地集体所有制——基于产权与治权的分析 被引量:23

Why China Insist on Collective Land Ownership--An Analysis Based on the Property Rights and Management Rights
摘要 本文在梳理农村土地制度公私争辩的基础上,以农村土地制度的"产权-治权"二分关系为分析框架,探讨了中国坚持土地集体所有制的缘由。研究表明,伴随着渐进式改革的不断推进,在农户家庭层次,现阶段农户享有较为完整的使用权、收益权和转让权等核心权能和包括入股与抵押融资在内的他项权能,已经可以满足他们土地合理使用的基本需求。与此同时,在农民集体层次,土地集体所有制凸显更为优越的制度优势:一是延续了历史上长期存在的非正式制度嵌入的自治传统,节约了科层组织的设置成本,降低了农地制度的运行成本;二是照顾了集体化时期遗留的所有权主体混合配置的客观现实,兼顾制度稳定性与制度灵活性,有效避免了强制性制度变迁所带来的可能冲击;三是农民集体是一种双重委托代理治理关系的中间组织,可以有效避免小农户与大政府和大市场进行"多对多"的直接交易,节约诸多交易成本,发挥集体组织"统分结合"的双重优势。因此,需要毫不犹豫地坚持农村土地集体所有制,重视土地产权改革从归属到利用转变的宝贵经验,在继续深化农村土地产权改革的同时,加强农村土地治权方面的制度设计,发挥土地集体所有制的制度优越性,确立中国农村土地制度的制度自信。 On the basis of combing the public-private disputes of the rural land system,this paper takes the property rights allocation and the management rights arrangement of the rural land system as the analytical framework,and explores the reasons for China’s adherence to the collective ownership of land.Studies have shown that with the continuous advancement of gradual reforms,farmers nowadays hold a relatively complete right of use,revenue,and transfer,which has been able to meet their needs for rational land use at the household level.At the same time,the collective ownership system has a stronger institutional advantage at the collective level:The first is to continue the autonomy tradition of the long-standing informal system embedded in history,which can save the establishment cost of hierarchical organization and reduce the operation cost of rural land system.The second is to take care of the objective reality of the mixed configuration of ownership entities left over from the collectivization period,which can consider the stability and flexibility of the institution and effectively avoid the possible impact brought by the mandatory institution change.The third is that the peasant collective is an intermediary organization with a dual principal-agent relationship.It can effectively prevent small farmers from directly trading with big government and big market and save many transaction costs,which helps to play the dual advantages of the combination and division of collective organizations.Therefore,it is necessary to uphold collective ownership of rural land without any hesitation,attach great importance to valuable experience of the reform of land property rights from belonging to using,strengthen the system design of the property rights and management rights,give play to the institutional superiority of collective ownership of land,and establish the institutional confidence of China’s rural land system.
作者 郑淋议 钱文荣 洪名勇 朱嘉晔 Zheng Lin-Yi;Qian Wen-Rong;Hong Ming-Yong;Zhu Jia-Ye
出处 《经济学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期109-118,共10页 Economist
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“城乡区域平衡发展理念下的土地制度综合改革研究”(19ZDA088) 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目“土地确权与土地调整:来自正式制度与非正式制度的角逐”(2019R401241) 2019年浙江大学博士研究生学术新星培养计划(2019015)。
关键词 农村土地制度 产权 治权 土地私有 集体所有制 Rural Land System Property Rights Management Rights Private Land Collective Ownership
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