

Influence of Structural Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Titanium Honeycomb Matrix
摘要 通过使用厚度分别为0.10mm的TC4钛合金和0.05、0.10、0.15mm的TA1工业纯钛箔制备钛蜂窝结构件,并对其进行平压试验,分析了箔厚和蜂窝孔边长对钛蜂窝结构承载性能的影响以及蜂窝结构件的失效形式。结果表明,钛蜂窝箔厚增加和蜂窝孔边长减小可提升钛蜂窝结构的承载性能,TC4钛合金蜂窝结构件的承载能力明显高于TA1工业纯钛蜂窝结构件。所有结构件的坍塌区域均出现在中部未焊接连接处,失效形式是局部塑性变形且伴有裂纹。 The titanium honeycomb structures were prepared by TC4 titanium alloy foil with thickness of 0.1 mm and TA1 industrial pure titanium foil with thickness of 0.05,0.10 and 0.15 mm.The flat pressure tests of titanium honeycomb structures were carried out.The effects of foil thickness and side length of honeycomb hole on the bearing capacity of titanium honeycomb structures were analyzed by combining with the failure forms of honeycomb structures.The experimental results show that with foil thickness of titanium honeycomb increase and honeycomb hole side length decrease,the bearing capacity of titanium honeycomb structure is increased,meanwhile,the bearing capacity of TC4 titanium alloy honeycomb structure is significantly higher than that of TA1 industrial pure titanium honeycomb structure.The collapse areas of all structural parts appear in the unwelded joints in the middle,and the failure form is charaderized by local plastic deformation with cracks.
作者 曹磊 杨倩倩 刘源 葛月鑫 马明星 邵星海 Cao Lei;Yang Qianqian;Liu Yuan;Ge Yuexin;Ma Mingxing;Shao Xinghai(l.Luoyang Advanced Manufacturing Industrial R&D Center,Tianjin Research Institute for Advanced Equipment,Tsinghua University;Materials College,Tsinghua Universityy;Qingyan Special Material Technology(Luoyang)Co.,Ltd.)
出处 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第4期458-462,共5页 Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys
关键词 平压 钛蜂窝 承载 坍塌 Flat Pressure Titanium Honeycomb Bearing Collapse
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