
法国国家资历框架:架构、特点与启示 被引量:17

French National Qualifications Framework:Structure,Characteristics and Implications
摘要 为提高证书等级划分的科学性、实现与欧洲资历框架的完全对接、培养适应劳动力市场需求的人才,法国在2019年建立了新的国家资历框架。法国国家资历框架涵盖各级各类证书,与先前经验认证制度紧密相关,由法国能力署统一管理,其基本架构包括证书的涵盖范围、证书的等级划分与衔接、对非正规与非正式学习成果的认证以及对证书的管理。法国国家资历框架具有彰显证书整合功能、以学习成果为导向、吸收多元利益相关者参与等特征。法国构建国家资历框架的经验对我国构建国家资历框架不乏借鉴意义。 In order to improve the scientificity of the classification of certificates,link to the European qualifications framework and cultivate talents adapting to the needs of the labor market,France has established a new National qualifications framework in 2019.The National qualifications framework covers diplomas and professional certificates,closely related to prior experience certification system,and is regulated by French Competences.Its basic structure includes the catalogue of certificates,the classification of certificates,the validation of non-formal and informal learning and the management of certificates.The French National qualifications framework presents the characteristics of integrating all types of certificates,implementing the learning-outcomes-oriented idea and involving multi-stakeholders.The experiences of the reform of French National qualifications framework could provide China some recommendations for the construction of National qualifications framework.
作者 吴雪萍 李默妍 WU Xueping;LI Moyan(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310028)
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期71-76,共6页 China Higher Education Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“职业教育质量保障研究”(14BGL129)的研究成果。
关键词 法国 国家资历框架 证书 终身学习 France national qualifications framework certificate lifelong learning
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