
上海市松江区养老护理员认知症照护知识掌握情况调查 被引量:6

A Survey on Mastering Situation of Cognitive Disorder Nursing Knowledge among Nursing Staff for Elderly Patients in Songjiang District of Shanghai
摘要 目的了解上海市松江区养老护理员认知症照护知识掌握情况并分析其影响因素。方法采用方便抽样方法,于2018年1—3月选取上海市松江区17所养老机构的150名养老护理员为研究对象,采用自行编制的一般资料问卷及认知症照护相关知识问卷进行调查。结果150名养老护理员认知症照护相关知识总分为(27.92±5.30)分,各维度得分由高到低依次为安全护理、日常护理、延缓认知症进展的方法、精神行为症状护理、认知症疾病知识。t检验和方差分析结果显示,不同文化程度、月收入、从业年限、照护对象中有无认知症患者、接受照护培训及认知症培训情况、与照护对象相处感受及对自己照护工作的评价的养老护理员对认知症照护知识的掌握情况存在差异(P<0.05)。结论被调查的上海市松江区150名养老护理员对认知症照护知识的掌握总体不理想。养老机构管理者应针对养老护理员的基本特征,结合相关影响因素,开展认知症照护相关知识和技能培训,以提高养老护理员的照护水平,进而提升照护质量。 Objective To investigate the mastering situation of cognitive disorder nursing knowledge among nursing staff for elderly patients in Songjiang District of Shanghai,and analyze the influencing factors.Methods A total of 150 nursing staff from 17 nursing institutions for the elderly patients in Songjiang District of Shanghai were selected by convenient sampling method from January to March 2018 as the subjects for the study,and the investigation was carried out by using self-made general information questionnaire and questionnaire on relevant nursing knowledge of cognitive disorder.Results The total score for relevant nursing knowledge of cognitive disorder of 150 nursing staff for elderly patients was(27.92±5.30)points,and the dimensions with scoring from high to low were safe nursing,daily nursing,methods to delay the progression of cognitive disorder,mental and behavioral symptom nursing,as well as knowledge of cognitive disorder respectively.The results of t-test and variance analysis revealed that there was difference in the mastering situation of cognitive disorder nursing knowledge among nursing staff who were different in terms of the following aspects:education levels,monthly income,years of practice,presence or absence of patients with cognitive disorder among nursed subjects,whether trained on nursing and cognitive disorder,the experience of getting along with nursed subjects as well as assessment on their nursing work(P<0.05).Conclusion The general mastering situation of cognitive disorder nursing knowledge among 150 investigated nursing staff for elderly patients in Songjiang District of Shanghai was not satisfactory.The administrators of nursing institutions for elderly patients should carry out training on nursing knowledge and skills related to cognitive disorder according to the basic characteristics of the nursing staff combined with relevant influencing factors,so as to improve the nursing level of nursing staff for elderly patients,thus improve the quality of nursing.
作者 杨爱萍 薛奔 庹焱 王君俏 YANG Aiping;XUE Ben;TUO Yan;WANG Junqiao(Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences,Shanghai 201318;School of Nursing,Fudan University,Shanghai 200030;Shanghai Nursing Association,Shanghai 200040)
出处 《上海护理》 2020年第5期34-38,共5页 Shanghai Nursing
关键词 养老护理员 认知症 照护 影响因素 Nursing staff for elderly patients Cognitive disorder Nursing Influencing factor
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