采用挥发性有机物在线连续自动监测系统,对镇江东部片区挥发性有机物进行实时连续观测。结果表明,挥发性有机物中57种臭氧前驱体(PAMS)组分的月均浓度水平均稳定在16 ppbv以下,与同区域臭氧浓度变化吻合。烷烃和芳香烃是东部地区PAMS组分中的主要组分类别;芳香烃是57种PAMS组分中对臭氧生成贡献最大的组分,从单个物种上看,甲苯,间、对—二甲苯,丙烯对臭氧的生成贡献最大;源解析显示机动车尾气影响较大。建议东部地区挥发性有机物管控应有效落实到甲苯,间、对—二甲苯,丙烯等对臭氧生成影响较大的重点物种及其来源上,重点关注这些污染源,尤其是对溶剂涂料使用量大的企业重点管控,同时加强机动车特别是柴油车的管理。
The VOCs in the eastern area of Zhenjiang were continuously observed in real time by the VOCs on-line continuous automatic monitoring system.The results showed that the monthly average concentrations of 57 components of PAMS in VOCs were stable below 16 ppbv,which was consistent with the variation of ozone concentration in the same region.Alkanes and aromatics are the main components of PAMS in the east of China;aromatics are the most important components of 57 PAMS,which contribute the most to the generation of ozone.In terms of single species,toluene,m-xylene,p-xylene and propylene contribute the most to the generation of ozone;source analysis shows that the tail gas of motor vehicles has a greater impact.It is suggested that the management and control of VOCs in the eastern region should be effectively implemented to the key species and their sources that have a greater impact on ozone generation,such as toluene,m-xylene,p-xylene,propylene;and focus on these pollution sources,especially implementing key control for the enterprises that use a large amount of solvent coating.At the same time,to strengthen the management of motor vehicles,especially diesel vehicles.
environmental protection and circular economy