
清华简《摄命》人物关系辨析 被引量:6

Study on the Relationship between the Characters of Sheming in Tsinghua Bamboo-slips
摘要 清华简《摄命》是近年发现的一篇重要的书类命体文献,记载了周王册命伯摄管理狱讼事务的有关内容。对于篇中的周王,学界主要有穆王和孝王两种不同意见。据《书序》《史记》可知,伯冏被穆王册命为太仆之长,其职事与伯摄主管刑狱相异,也不具备伯摄的王子身份,因而伯臩非伯摄之讹误,《摄命》亦非早已失传的古文《尚书·冏命》。《摄命》篇中时王与伯摄为叔侄关系,且为时王身后的王位继承人。这种情况通过细考传世文献发现,只有孝王为懿王之弟,夷王爕为懿王太子,孝王与夷王为叔侄关系以相承王位的事实,才能与之吻合。是可证明《伯摄》篇中的王为孝王,册命对象伯摄即夷王燮。孝王弟及王位,虽与周人嫡长子继统法相违忤,但有利于应对当时复杂的政治局面,因此得到王室贵族认可,并未造成影响国家安定的社会震荡。嫡长子继统法通过自然法则选定王位继承人,有着种种不可克服的弊端。只有近代民主国家的建立,才能真正兴利除弊,使国家走向长治久安。 Sheming in the Tsinghua bamboo-slips is an important literature discovered in recent years.It records that the king of Zhou appoints She Bo to administer the prison and court proceedings.As for the king of Zhou in this essay,there are mainly two different opinions in the academic circles:King Mu and King Xiao.According to Shuxu and Shiji,Jiong Bo was ordered by King Mu to be the leader of servant agency,and his duties were different from that of She Bo who was in charge of the prison,and he did not have the status of a prince of She Bo.So the text Sheming wasn’t the long-lost text Jiongming,In the text Sheming,the relationship between the king and She Bo were uncle and nephew.She Bo was the heir to the throne after the king.Through the research of handed down documents,we could find that only in the situation that King Xiao was King Yi’s younger brother,King Yi Xie was King Yi’s prince,King Xiao and King Yi Xie who inherited the throne from King Xiao were Nephew relationship.Facts were consistent with the literature.It could be proved that the king in the text was King Xiao and She Bo as the appointee was King Yi Xie.Although King Xiao inherited his brother’s throne which disobeyed the law of succession by the eldest son of Zhou,it was conducive to dealing with the complicated political situation at that time.Therefore,it was recognized by the royal family and nobles,and did not cause social shock that affected the national stability.There are many unsurmountable disadvantages in the selection of the heir to the throne by the law of eldest son.Only with the establishment of modern democratic countries,can we truly promote the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages and make the country move towards long-term stability.
作者 杜勇 Du Yong
出处 《中原文化研究》 2020年第3期68-74,共7页 The Central Plains Culture Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“多卷本《西周史》”(17ZDA179)阶段性成果。
关键词 《摄命》 《冏命》 穆王 孝王 夷王 Sheming Jiongming King Mu King Xiao King Yi
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