
基于移动学习平台下高职英语口语混合式移动教学模式研究--以民航职业英语口语为例 被引量:3

A Study on Blended M-teaching Model of Higher Vocational Oral English Based on Mobile Learning Platform--Taking Occupational Oral English for Civil Aviation as an Example
摘要 移动互联网技术的飞速发展使移动学习平台成为外语教学改革的有利工具,而混合式移动学习模式为解决当前高职英语口语教学的困境提供了理论支持。基于混合式教学和移动学习理论,尝试运用移动学习平台构建符合高职英语口语教学需求的混合式移动教学模式,并结合课程教学内容具体阐述该模式如何有效衔接线上线下教学的实施过程,为推动高职英语教学的发展创新提供参考和借鉴。 With the rapid development of mobile internet technology, mobile learning platform has become a favorable tool for foreign language teaching reform, and the blended m-learning model provides theoretical support for solving the current predicament of oral English teaching in higher vocational colleges. Based on the theory of blended leaching and mobile learning, this paper attempts to construct a blended m-teaching model which meets the needs of oral English teaching in higher vocational colleges on the basis of mobile learning platform. Combining with the specific course content, it elaborates on the implementation of the model in online and offline teaching so as to provide a reference for the development and innovation of higher vocational English teaching.
作者 银珊 YIN Shan(Guangzhou Civil Aviation College,Guangzhou 510403,China)
出处 《天津职业大学学报》 2020年第1期31-35,47,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institute
基金 2018年广州民航职业技术学院校级课题“移动互联环境下高职民航职业英语口语智慧课堂教学模式研究”(18X0416,主持人:银珊)的研究成果。
关键词 移动学习平台 混合式 移动教学模式 高职英语 口语教学 mobile learning platform blended m-teaching model higher vocational English oral English teaching
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