
德国医疗保险支付方式改革及对我国的启示 被引量:16

Reform of medical insurance payment methods in Germany and its enlightenment to China
摘要 研究德国医疗保险(以下简称"医保")支付方式由总额预付制过渡到按疾病诊断相关分组(diagnosis related group,DRG)付费制度的改革历程,深入探讨其驱动因素,为我国医保支付方式改革提供借鉴。德国医保支付方式改革过程较为缓和,各利益相关方参与度较高,这使得医保费用得到控制。我国的医保支付方式改革应借鉴德国经验,把握改革的总体趋向,从后付制向预付制转变,继续以总额预付为基础,逐步推行按DRG付费制度,同时针对医疗卫生机构建立规范合理的激励与约束机制,最终实现全国医保支付方式改革。 The reform of medical insurance payment methods in Germany from global budget to payment by diagnosis related group was studied,and the driving factors were explored,which provided references for the reform of medical insurance payment methods in China.The reform of payment methods in Germany was relatively moderate,and the participation of various stakeholders was relatively active,which all helped contain the health expenditures.China should learn from the reform experience of Germany,transforming retrospective payments to prospective payments.Payment by diagnosis related group should be applied gradually with the implementation of global budget payment.At the same time,a standardized and reasonable incentive and restraint mechanism for medical institutions should be established to realize the reform of medical insurance payment methods at the national level.
作者 雷璐倩 张伶俐 颜建周 邵蓉 LEI Luqian;ZHANG Linli;YAN Jianzhou;SHAO Rong(National Drug Policy and Medical Industry Economy Research Center,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 211198,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《中国卫生资源》 北大核心 2020年第2期176-181,共6页 Chinese Health Resources
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“我国创新药物政策环境研究”(15ZDB167) 中国药科大学“双一流”学科创新团队建设项目(CPU2018GY39)。
关键词 医疗保险 支付方式改革 总额预付 疾病诊断相关分组付费制度 驱动因素 德国 medical insurance payment method reform global budget diagnosis-related group payment system driving factor Germany
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