
新媒体语境下医学生数据素养教育策略分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Data Literacy Education Strategy for Medical Students in the Context of New Media
摘要 数据素养教育是大数据时代医学高等教育发展的战略需要,是提升医学生教育质量和核心竞争力的有力手段。文章分析了医学生数据素养教育中存在的信息异化威胁、课程建设缺乏系统性、教学配套机制不完善、教学形式和内容单一等问题,提出构建均衡知识体系、部门开放联动、完善课程体系建设、拓宽会话路径等解决策略。 Implementation of date literacy education is the strategic requirement of development of medical higher education in the age of big data.This paper points out the problems in date literacy education for medical students,such as information alienation threat,lack of systematic curriculum construction,the imperfection of teaching support mechanism,single form and content of teaching.It is suggested that we should set up a balanced knowledge system,coordinate the department relation,improve the construction of curriculum system,and broaden the session path with new media to remove the obstacles of date literacy education for medical students.
作者 杜宗明 DU Zong-ming(Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou221004,China)
机构地区 徐州医科大学
出处 《大学图书情报学刊》 2020年第3期10-13,共4页 Journal of Academic Library and Information Science
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目“新媒体语境下高校学生数据素养培育理论建构与实践路径”(2018SJA0979)。
关键词 数据素养 新媒体 大数据 医学院 信息素养教育 data literacy new media big data medical college information literacy education
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