

Aesthetic Separation and Cooperation: A Comparison between Visiting an Old Friend’s Farm-house and A Trip to Mountain West Village
摘要 孟浩然的《过故人庄》与陆游的《游山西村》同属农村记游题材的诗歌,二者表现出相同的线性结构,使得记游式动态的叙抒具有完整流畅的艺术效果。受创作主体生平志意的影响,《过故人庄》中,"故人庄"成为理想的"桃花源"式隐逸生活的诗意表达,《游山西村》中,"山西村"则是现实中诗人暂时获得休憩的精神园地,农村题材诗歌在不同主体情意的灌注下具有了不同的文化形态。受诗歌语言形式的限制,二者在意象与情趣的融合程度上亦呈现出"情趣淹没意象"与"意象遮蔽情趣"的差异,从而显示出疏朗阔达与厚朴沉着的境界分别。 Visiting an Old Friend’s Farm-house written by Meng Haoran and A Trip to Mountain West Village by Lu You all belong to the poetry about writing rural travels notes, both of them show the same linear structure, which make the travel-style dynamic narration have a complete and smooth artistic effect. Influenced by the author’s life ambition and will, in the poem of Visiting an Old Friend’s Farm-house, "an Old Friend’s Farm-house" has become an ideal poetic expression of reclusive life in "Peach Blossom Garden" style. In the poem of A Trip to Mountain West Village, the village of Mountain West is a spiritual garden for the poet to have a temporary rest in reality. Rural theme poetry has different cultural forms under the infusion of different subjective feelings. Due to the limitation of the language form of poetry, the two also show the difference between "fun overwhelming image" and "image overshadowing interest" in the degree of fusion between imagery and interest, thus showing the realm difference between broadness and calmness.
作者 雷晶晶 LEI Jing-jing(Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723001,China)
出处 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期55-58,共4页 Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 《过故人庄》 《游山西村》 结构 意象 情趣 农村文化形态 Visiting an Old Friend’s Farm-house A Trip to Mountain West Village structure image interest rural cultural form
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