

Anhui Intellectuals and the Construction of the New Cultural Field in the Early Years of the Republic of China
摘要 民国初年,皖籍知识分子建构了新文化的舆论场域,他们与守成势力展开了激烈的论战,其言论观点随着论争空间的型塑而逐渐明晰。陈独秀、胡适凭借其依靠地缘、学统建立的社会资本,掌控了公共舆论的导向。汪孟邹与胡适、陈独秀的密切协作,体现了皖籍知识分子文化理想与报刊实践的良性互动。皖籍知识分子利用教师的职业优势,与北大学生创建了合作性的新型师生关系,助推了新文学接受群体对科学民主意识的情感认同。民初的教育部门积极推进学制的改革,为皖籍知识分子的话语言说及知识普及提供了体制上的保障。在价值真空的时代语境下,皖籍知识分子从关系维度诠释了现代化的理想诉求,重塑了国民的精神信仰,引领了社会的文化风尚。 In the early years of the Republic of China,Anhui intellectuals constructed the public opinion field of the new culture.They launched a fierce debate with the conservative forces and their views gradually became clear with the formation of the debate space.Chen duxiu and Hu shi controlled the direction of public opinion depending on their social capital established by geography and academic system.Wang mengzou’s close cooperation with Hu shi and Chen duxiu reflected the benign interaction between the cultural ideal of anhui intellectuals and the practice of periodicals.By taking advantage of teachers’ profession, anhui intellectuals established the cooperative teacher-student relationship with Peking University students,which boosted the emotional identification of scientific and democratic consciousness among the new literature recipients.The education department actively promoted the reform of the school system, which provided a systematic guarantee for the language and knowledge popularization written by anhui intellectuals.In the era of the lack of value belief, anhui intellectuals interpreted the ideal of modernization from the perspective of relationship and reshaped the spiritual belief of the people, leading the cultural trend of the society.
作者 朱妍 ZHU Yan(The Department of Literature and Media,Suzhou University,Suzhou 234000,China)
出处 《哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报》 2020年第2期116-120,共5页 Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目“民初皖籍知识分子与文化公共领域的建构”(AHSKQ2016D135)。
关键词 皖籍知识分子 文化论争 亚东图书馆 北大学生 教育部 Anhui intellectuals the cultural debate Yadong library Peking University students the department of education
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