
文化表演与思想阐释--公元前8-前3世纪希腊与中国哀悼仪式中的两个主要环节 被引量:1

Cultural Performance and Interpretation of Thoughts:Two main aspects of mourning rituals in Greece and China from the 8th-3rd century B.C.
摘要 这项研究关乎两个主题:一个是仪式,另一个是比较。一方面,主要从葬礼前的哀哭和丧服两个层面来论证丧葬仪式的文化功能、目的和社会影响,从而看出古代中国人和古代希腊人在面对同一种境况--死亡时,他们所遵循的意义模式是不同的。另一方面,也力图以希腊古风古典时期与中国先秦时期哀悼仪式的比较为例,阐述比较研究中的一些原则和方法。最终,通过找寻同一个仪式对象在不同文化里的表现,回答这样一个问题:何以中希两个古代社会的哀悼和葬礼在早期有着程序及表演行为上的相似之处,但随后却表现出巨大的差异性?这一切都是源于哀悼和葬礼背后不同的思想观念:希腊人严守一种带有神性规定的仪式程序,却没有涉及现实的社会秩序、政体模式,也没有将其上升到一种理论的高度去阐发。因此,希腊仪式中的程序与表演的成份得以比较完整地延续下来,甚至在现代希腊社会中仍可见其痕迹,但却始终只是存在于民间、停留在仪式行为的层面。而中国自先秦以来,儒家的先贤们则将其社会理想及政治观念贯穿于种种仪式之中,使之深深地渗透到社会生活及个人生活的方方面面,从而造就了中国传统社会独有的文化模式。 In this research,there are two major themes:one is ritual,and the other is comparison.It focuses on two main aspects of mourning of the dead before burial-lamentation and mourning apparel-to demonstrate the cultural function,purpose and social influence of mourning;thus,it can be seen that the ancient Chinese and the ancient Greeks followed different patterns of meaning when facing the same situation-death.This author uses the comparison between mourning rituals in Archaic & Classical Greece and Pre-Qin China as an example to illustrate some of the principles and methods used in comparative studies,and is trying to answer the question why the mourning and funerals of the two ancient societies had similarities in procedure and performance at the early stage,but showed significant differences thereafter? This author argues it is due to the different ideas behind mourning and funerals in two different societies:the Greeks strictly followed a ritual procedure with divine regulations,but they did not involve the actual social order and polity model,and did not raise them either as a theoretical demonstration.In this case,even the procedures and performances in the ancient Greek rituals can be maintained even in modern Greek society,it could only exist in folk as rituals.In China,on the other hand,since the Pre-Qin period,the Confucians merged their social ideals and political ideas into various rituals and deeply penetrated both social and personal life,thus created a unique culture of traditional Chinese society.
作者 吴晓群 WU Xiaoqun(Department of History,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期84-99,共16页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“公元前8—前3世纪希腊与中国的私人葬礼比较研究”(16BSS010)。
关键词 希腊古风古典时代 中国先秦时期 哀悼仪式 比较 archaic&classical Greece pre-Qin China mourning rituals comparison
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