

Fatigue Life Assessment of Ice-induced Offshore Fan Infrastructure
摘要 基于Miner线性疲劳损伤累积理论和材料S-N曲线,假定渤海海域冰厚和冰速服从耿贝尔逻辑模型,建立了冰激海上风机结构的谱疲劳寿命评估方法并总结了谱疲劳寿命评估流程,通过对目前海上风机常用的两种基础(单立柱三桩导管架基础和桁架式导管架基础)进行谱疲劳寿命评估,得出冰激单立柱三桩导管架基础和桁架式导管架基础的疲劳寿命分别为55.25年和86.81年,验证了方法的合理性。文章的研究对海上风机基础结构抗冰研究有一定的应用价值。 Based on Miner linear fatigue damage accumulation theory and material S-N curve,it is assumed that the ice thickness and ice speed in Bohai sea follow the Gengbeier logic model,a method for evaluating the spectral fatigue life of ice-induced offshore fan structures was established and the process of evaluating the spectral fatigue life was summarized.The spectral fatigue life of two kinds of foundations(single column and three pile jacket foundation and truss jacket foundation)commonly used in offshore wind turbines was evaluated,it is concluded that the fatigue life of jacket foundation of ice-induced single-column with three piles and truss jacket foundation is 55.25 years and 86.81 years,respectively,verifying the reasonability of this method.The study has certain application value to the research of ice resistance of offshore wind turbine infrastructure.
作者 郝二通 李鹏飞 HAO Er-tong;LI Peng-fei(Technological Department of Wanyuan Industry Limited Liability Company Beijing,Beijing 100176, China;Heilongjiang Provincial Water Conservancy & Hydropower Investigation,Design and Research Institute, Harbin 150080, China)
出处 《黑龙江水利科技》 2020年第4期6-11,共6页 Heilongjiang Hydraulic Science and Technology
关键词 冰荷载 疲劳寿命评估 近海风机 单立柱三桩导管架基础 桁架式导管架基础 ice loading assessment of fatigue life offshore draught fan jacket foundation of three piles with single post truss jacket base
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