
概念迁移视角下的日语学习者移动表达实证研究——以主动、致使、虚拟移动事件为例 被引量:4

Empirical Research on the Japanese Motion Expressions of Chinese Learners from the Perspective of Conceptual Transfer:A Case Study Based on Self-motion,Caused-motion and Fiction-motion Events
摘要 本文基于移动事件类型学理论,运用概念迁移的验证方法和概念变化理论,对日语学习者的主动、致使、虚拟移动事件中的概念迁移表现和原因进行了分析。研究结果表明,学习者的移动事件表达体现出了明显的附加语构架语言特征,不倾向于使用包含路径要素的单纯动词,并且路径要素难以拓展到虚拟移动表达中。学习者的主动移动和致使移动事件中发生了概念挪用,虚拟移动事件中涉及到了概念重组。学习者的概念迁移现象是汉日语类型学异同、汉日语移动动词概念差异以及认知识解倾向共同作用的结果。 Based on motion event typology,using the method of confirming conceptual transfers and the theory of conceptual change,this paper aims to examine the conceptual transfer performance and its reasons in the Japanese self-motion events,caused-motion events and fiction-motion events of Chinese learners.The result shows that the motion expressions of Chinese learners are characterized by satellite-framed language,in which the verb containing a path element is rarely used,and it is dif ficult for Chinese learners to use the path element in fiction-motion.A conceptual shift occurs in self-motion and caused-mo-tion events,and conceptual restructuring is involved in fiction-motion.Conceptual transfer is the combined effects of the typo logical similarities and differences of Chinese and Jajpanesc,the different conceptual meanings of the motion verbs in Chinese and Japanese,and the construing style of Chinese and Japanese learners.
作者 张丽虹 Zhang Lihong
出处 《日语学习与研究》 CSSCI 2020年第2期37-47,共11页 Journal of Japanese Language Study and Research
基金 2019年度云南省教育厅科学研究项目“概念迁移视角下的日语学习者移动构式实证研究”(项目批号:HX2019120333)的阶段研究成果。项目主持人:张丽虹。
关键词 主动移动 致使移动 虚拟移动 概念迁移 self-motion causcd-motion fiction-motion conceptual transfer
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