
创客教育如何突破迷思走向智慧:来自力量型神话的隐喻 被引量:4

How Maker Education Breaks Myths to Wisdom:A Metaphor from the Strength Mythology
摘要 神话作为一种文化形式对人类文明的发展具有重要影响。从人类发展的社会历史进程来看,神话可以分为两种类型:迷思型神话和力量型神话。迷思型神话可视为田园牧歌式的迷梦,束缚人类改变自我而屈从环境;而力量型神话则展现了人为自然立法的智慧,通过思想启发推动人类改变环境。力量型神话对教育过程的观照主要体现在认识论层面的主体身份认同、价值论层面的教育价值确立与实践论层面的创意潜能激发。在高扬创新精神的新时代,创客教育被寄予变革传统教育的厚望。但创客教育在实践中受到的过度追捧,使其有蜕变成为一种迷思型教育神话的危险,因而亟需为其正本清源。创客教育应从STEAM教育的创新发展中汲取经验与智慧,将力量型神话作为一种美学方法引入其中,最终实现创客教育中真、善、美的和谐统一。同时,创客教育可以从力量型神话中挖掘新隐喻,汲取新力量,让学习者在诸神和英雄的世界中发现并创造自我,真正激发人的主体性与能动性,使教育真正进入由学习者驱动的自组织和超循环的新境界。 As a cultural form,mythology has an important impact on the development of human civilization.From the perspective of the social and historical process of human development,mythology can be divided into two types:mythical mythology and strength mythology.The mythical mythology can be regarded as the idyllic dream that restrains human beings from changing themselves and makes them succumbs to the environment.However,the strength mythology shows the wisdom that human beings legislate for the nature and encourages humans to change the environment through thought inspiration.The influence of the strength mythology on the education process is mainly reflected in the subject identity in epistemology,establishment of educational value in axiology,and inspiration of creativity in practice.In the new era of advocating innovative spirit,maker education is entrusted with the great hope of reforming traditional education.However,the excessive pursuit of maker education in practice puts it in danger of becoming the mythical mythology of education.Hence,it is imperative to get to the root of maker education.It is necessary for maker education to learn experience and wisdom from the innovative development of STEAM education and introduce the strength mythology as an aesthetic method in order to reach the harmonious unity of truth,goodness and beauty in maker education.Meanwhile,maker education should discover new metaphors and draw new power from the strength mythology to enable learners to discover and create themselves in the world of gods and heroes.Thus,maker education can truly stimulate the subjectivity and initiative of learners,and make education enter a new realm of self-organization and hypercycle driven by learners.
作者 郑旭东 陈荣 蔡建东 ZHENG Xudong;CHEN Rong;CAI Jiandong
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期30-35,43,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 2019年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“小学科学教育中STEAM与创客整合的路径研究”(19YJA880091)。
关键词 创客教育 迷思型神话 力量型神话 神话隐喻 教育变革 Maker Education Mythical Mythology Strength Mythology Mythological Metaphor Education Reform
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