采用壳长与软体部组织湿重回归、温度实验、饥饿实验以及摄食实验获得估算文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)动态能量收支(dynamic energy budget,DEB)生长模型构建所需的7个关键参数。壳长与软体部组织湿重回归得到文蛤形状系数δm,其值为0.374;温度实验获得阿仑尼乌斯温度TA,测得的阿仑尼乌斯温度值为(5849.31±328.11)K。进行45 d的饥饿实验,测定单位时间单位体积维持生命所需的能量[PM]、形成单位体积结构物质所需的能量[EG]以及单位体积的最大存储能量[EM],其值分别为28.35 J·cm^-3·d^-1、5682.84 J·cm^-3和2549.32 J·cm^-3;摄食实验测定25℃时文蛤的摄食参数,主要包括:单位体表面积的最大摄食率{PAm}和单位表面积的最大吸收率{JXm},其值分别为120.84 J·cm^-2·d^-1和87.00 J·cm^-2·d^-1。研究获得的7个生物学参数是构建文蛤动态能量收支模型必不可少的,可为今后构建文蛤动态能量收支模型提供数据资料。
Dynamic energy budgets are used for the description of energy flow through individual organisms from the assimilation of food to the utilisation for maintenance,growth,development and reproduction.In this paper,specific DEB parameters were obtained Meretrix meretrix collected from natural tidal-flat area in Jiangsu Province.Several key parameters were estimated using available information from laboratory experiment and literature.Shape coefficient(δm)was estimated by least square regression of shell length(L)and wet flesh weight(W),Arrehenius temperature(T A)were estimated using data from measuring the oxygen consumption rate of M.meretrix at different temperature conditions.Through a 45-day starvation experiment in the laboratory,respiration rates and depletion of reserves by wet weight,volume-specific maintenance rate[PM],volume-specific costs for structure[E G]and the maximum storage density[E M]were estimated using data from the starvation expeiments.The maximum feeding concentration at the optimum temperature was determined by feeding experiments,including the maximum surface area-specific assimilation rate{PAm}and the maximum feeding rate per unit body surface area{JXm}.The shape coefficientδm was 0.374.The Arrhenius temperature is calculated by the deformation formula of the Van′t Hoff equation.Linear regression of the logarithm(LnR)of oxygen consumption per unit dry weight and the reciprocal of thermodynamic temperature(K)of water temperature in groups A,B,C showed:A:y=-5211.39 T^-1+17.60(R 2=0.6252);B:y=-6034.98 T^-1+20.61(R 2=0.7340);C:y=-6301.57 T^-1+21.38(R 2=0.7076).The absolute value of the slope was Arrenius temperature T A.Estimated Arrhenius temperature was(5849.31±328.11)K.After the starvation experiment,the oxygen consumption rate of M.meretrix declined by about 89%and remained constant when the value was about 0.70 mg·g^-1 DW·h^-1.[PM],[E G]and[E M]were estimated to be 28.35 J·cm^-3·d^-1,5682.84 J·cm^-3,2549.32 J·cm^-3,respectively.At 25℃,the feeding rate of M.meretrix increased and then decreased.The maximum feeding rate was 7.50 mg POM·g^-1 DW·h^-1 at a concentration of 12.00 mg POM·L^-1 approximately.In the light of the dry weight and shell length data of the soft body and combined with the absorption efficiency,{PAm}and{JXm}were estimated to be 120.84 J·cm^-2·d^-1 and 87.00 J·cm^-2·d^-1 respectively at the optimum temperature.The measured results of the relevant model parameters can provide support for the construction of DEB model of M.meretrix,and to further optimize and test the ecological capacity of the culture.
HE Tian-mei;CHAO Min(College of Marine Ecology and Environment,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306 ,China;East China Sea Fisheries Research Institude,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China)
Marine Fisheries
Meretrix meretrix
dynamic energy budget
model parameters
starvation experiment
ingestion rate