
论PPP合同中单方解除、变更权的法律属性与控制机制 被引量:6

Unilateral Termination Right and Unilateral Alteration Right in PPP Contract and Their Control Mechanisms
摘要 PPP合同中项目实施机构享有的一系列特权,可以统称为政府优益权,单方解除、变更权便是其中的组成部分。单方解除、变更权具有三重属性:当项目实施机构具有行政法上的明确授权时,该权利为行政优益权;当项目实施机构依据PPP合同的约定行使这一权利时,该权利为行政法上的形成权;当项目实施机构仅依据民法上的规定行使这一权利时,该权利为民法上的形成权。为了平衡公共利益与私人利益,项目实施机构行使该权利时应当以公共利益为出发点和落脚点,程序上遵循协商优先原则和正当程序原则,内容上符合比例原则,并依照信赖保护原则合理补偿社会资本因此所受的损失。现阶段,对单方解除、变更权行使的事后控制机制主要包括仲裁、行政复议、行政诉讼以及民事诉讼,这些机制或多或少都存在一定的问题。鉴于此,可以考虑加强法院对仲裁裁决的实质审查,赋予PPP中心一定的行政裁决职能以及统一适用民事诉讼程序,以完善对单方解除、变更权行使的事后控制。 The privileges enjoyed by the project implementing organization in the PPP contract can be collectively referred to as the government's superiority rights,the right of unilateral termination and the right of unilateral alteration are two of them.The right of unilateral termination and the right of unilateral alteration have three attributes:when the project implementing organization has explicit authorization in administrative law,the right is administrative preferential right;when the project implementing organization exercises this right according to the PPP contract,the nature of the right is the right of formation in administrative law;when the project implementing organization exercises this right only in accordance with the provisions of the civil law,the nature of the right is the right of formation in civil law.In order to balance the public interest and private interests,the project implementing organization should exercise the right in the public interest as the starting point and the foothold.In exercising this right,the project implementing organization should take the public interest as the starting point and the foothold,follow the principle of negotiation priority and due process in procedure,conform to the principle of proportionality in content,and reasonably compensate the loss of social capital in accordance with the trust protection principle.At this stage,the post-event control mechanism for the unilateral termination and alteration rights mainly includes arbitration,administrative reconsideration,administrative litigation and civil litigation.These mechanisms have some problems.In view of this,in order to improve the post-event control of the unilateral termination and alteration rights,it may be considered to strengthen the court's substantive examination of the arbitral award,give the PPP center a certain administrative ruling function and uniformly apply the civil procedure.
作者 贺馨宇 He Xinyu
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期159-168,共10页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 单方解除权 单方变更权 行政优益权 形成权 控制机制 the unilateral termination right the unilateral alteration right administrative preferential right the right of formation control mechanism
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