When it comes to the context of Chenwei(Divination in combination with Mystical Interpretation of Confucianism)in the Han Dynasty,the two cosmological diagrams,namely Hetu(The River Chart)and Luoshu(The Inscription of the River Luo),reveal textual differences in aspects ranging from ancient versions to contemporary ones,and from unannotated original versions to derivative works.Within derivative works,there are texts extracted from the original work as well as elaborations including annotations and supplemental additions.Therefore,despite the widely-recognized numerosity of Hetu works during Han Dynasty and the official status of the ideology reflected in Hetu Chifu Fu(The Red Hidden Tally of the River Chart),Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty still came to conclude that“Hetu has not existed in Han.”This is because Hetu Chifu Fu could in fact be subsumed as a derivative work by Confucius who‘laid down a system for Han Empire in recognition that it was destined to rule’deified as an augury suggesting the legitimacy and vitality of the Han Empire.What is worth noticing about Luoshu is its passivity status,namely,as a counterpart to Hetu within a dichotomous relationship yet in a subordinating capacity.The record of Luoshu as the‘imperial edict written in red by the River Luo’and that of it being‘the book of Hetu’were construed as its two facets,with the former exhibiting an equivalent status while the latter has indeed reflected a subordinating one,not to mention the assertion downgrading it as an indication of pseudo-mandate.Coupled with its considerable degree of commonality and homogeneity with Hetu in extant literature,it is fitting to say that Luoshu lacks a clear self-identity.
GUO Siyun(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, New Era University College, Kajang 43000, Malaysia)
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University