
欧阳修的易学认知、诠释及其思想 被引量:1

Ouyang Xiu’s Cognition,Interpretation and Thought Regarding Studies of Yijing
摘要 欧阳修是宋代经学转型的关键人物,在易学方面的贡献对于当时的易学、儒学都有积极的影响。在易学方面,他首次提出了《易传》非孔子所撰的观点,推动了当时“疑经惑传”思想的发展。他在易学解释上,强调阐发《周易》中的思想义理,尤其是有关人事及社会治理的思想,打破了宋初注重章句注疏之学的传统,推动了儒学理论的发展与更新,为宋学范式的确立奠定了学术思想基础。不仅如此,他还将历史史实融入易学解释之中,进一步强化了易学经世致用的精神。由此可见,欧阳修的易学不重视“性与天道”,这不同于与他同时代的刘牧、周敦颐等人的易学,同时也没有自觉推动新儒学理论的建构;但是,他针对现实问题,提出了很多解决问题的办法与思想,进而使易学解释思想化、政治化,促进了宋代易学的实践性与社会政治属性的发展,极大地推动了宋代“以史证易”以及事功易学的传承与发展。 Ouyang Xiu was a key figure in the academic transformation of Confucian classics in the Song Dynasty,whose academic contributions had a positive influence both on the study of Yijing and on the study of Confucian Classics in the Song Dynasty.In terms of the study of Yijing,he was the first to argue against the traditional attribution of authorship of Yizhuan to Confucius,which helped clarify divergent views on this indeterminate matter.With regard to the interpretation of Yijing,he emphasized the ideological principles embodied in Zhouyi,especially the thoughts on personnel arrangement and social governance,breaking with the tradition of early Song Dynasty’s emphasis on syntactic and semantic analysis of ancient writings,which promoted the development and renewal of Confucian theories at the time.Such a shift in paradigm laid the foundation for the development of academic thoughts in this regard.Not only that,he also integrated historical facts into the interpretation of Yijing,which further elevated the role of Yijing in governance of state affairs.It can be seen that Ouyang Xiu’s studies of Yijing did not lay store by the concept of“nature and heaven”,different from many of his contemporaries like Liu Mu and Zhou Dunyi,so he did not consciously promote the construction of new Confucian theories.Nevertheless,he proposed many feasible methods and ideas to address real world issues,which had contributed to the ideological and politicized interpretation of Yijing studies.Besides,the practical and sociopolitical attributes of Yijing studies in the Song Dynasty had also been advocated,which had had a great part to play in promoting the development of Yijing studies as well as the Shigong school of philosophy toward a more utilitarian orientation.
作者 姜海军 JIANG Haijun(School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2020年第3期24-30,共7页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国经学解释的思想与方法”,项目编号:16BZX044。
关键词 欧阳修 易学 宋代经学 Ouyang Xiu studies of Yijing studies of Confucian Classics in the Song Dynasty
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  • 2《朱熹的历史世界》.
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  • 6宋·邵伯温.邵氏闻见录[A].宋元笔记小说大观[C].上海:上海古籍出版社,2001.
  • 7何泽恒.欧阳修之经史学[M].台北:台湾大学文史丛刊之五四,1980.












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