
习近平关于请示报告制度重要论述的理论内涵与当代启示 被引量:1

The Connotations and Revelations of Xi Jinping’s Major Theoretical Development of the Work of Requesting Instructions and Reporting on Major Issues
摘要 党的请示报告制度是我们党的优良传统和政治优势的重要体现,是加强党的全面领导、推动全面从严治党向纵深发展的重要内容。党的十八大以来,习近平高度重视党的请示报告制度的建设及其贯彻执行,先后发表的一系列重要讲话及著述中提及、强调和论述了请示报告制度,并对其科学内涵与重要价值等予以解读和阐释,不断推进马列主义建党学说的创新发展。习近平关于党的请示报告制度重要论述的内涵主要包括:牢记初心使命,发扬斗争精神;坚持问题导向,严明党的纪律;坚持人民至上,饱含为民情怀。习近平关于党的请示报告制度的重要论述包括:坚持和加强党的全面领导的必然政治要求,严格执行党的民主集中制的有效工作机制和适应新时代党的建设要求的重要纪律制度。深入学习和梳理习近平对党的请示报告制度的论述,科学把握其内涵实质,对于我们更好地领会习近平的坚持和加强党的全面领导、民主集中制、管党治党纪律建设等党建思想具有重要的现实启示意义。 The mechanism of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues is an important manifestation of the Party’s fine tradition and political superiority,and an important part of strengthening the party’s overall leadership and promoting the in-depth development of comprehensive and rigorous party governance.Ever since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Xi has been attaching great importance to improving the work on request for instructions and reports on major issues.To advance the“great new project”of Party building,he has in a series of important speeches and writings stressed the importance of strengthening and standardizing the work of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues,interpreting its connotations and highlighting its important value,which has promoted the innovative development of Marxism-Leninism regarding party building.Xi’s theoretical contributions to the work of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues are manifested through his clarifications of the connotations of this work,which include keeping in mind the original aspirations and missions of the Party and carrying forward the spirit of struggle,sticking to problem orientation,enhancing Party discipline,emphasizing the people-first approach,et cetera.The revelations of Xi’s theoretical innovation regarding the work of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues are that this work reflects an inevitable political requirement of upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership,entails strict implementation of the effective working mechanism of the Party’s democratic centralism,and represents an important development in the Party’s disciplinary system to meet the requirements of Party building in the New Era.An overview of Xi’s theoretical development of the work of asking for instructions and reporting on major issues and an in-depth understanding of its connotations will lend us a better insight into his new socialist ideology on the Party's leadership,democratic centralism,management and discipline,and so on.
作者 陈金龙 CHEN Jinlong(Xiangtan University, Xiangtan Hunan 411105, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2020年第3期101-107,共7页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 湘潭市社科规划课题重点项目“新时代坚持和加强党的请示报告制度的基本经验及现实启示研究”,项目编号:2019ZK17。
关键词 新时代 习近平 请示报告制度 党的领导 New Era Xi Jinping asking for instructions and reporting on major issues leadership of the party
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