

The Insurance Law,Seeking Balance between Business Law and Consumer Law:A Review and Inspiration of The Restatement of the Liability Insurance Law of the United States
摘要 《责任保险法重述》可以说是美国保险法近年来发展的总结。《重述》以被保险人与保险人之间的权利义务关系为中心展开,以亲保险人规则(Pro Insurer Rule)与亲被保险人规则(Pro Insured Rule)之间的冲突博弈为主线,在保险合同解释、不实陈述、抗辩义务、强制执行与救济等方面对规则进行了澄清。伴随着金融消费者权益保护运动的兴起,我国保险法未来发展是更偏向于消费者权益保护法还是商法,长期以来存在争议。由于美国对我国保险法的规则制定和保险业务实践均有不同程度的影响,因此,以《重述》作为我们观察的制度样本,不仅可以从规则内容上为我国保险法改革提供借鉴;而且还提供了以"美国"作为方法论,探讨《重述》经历项目性质变更,在后金融危机时代保护保险消费者利益与维护保险人商业经营之间所作的努力与妥协,为我们回答"商法"与"消费者法"之争提供参考。 The Restatement of the Liability Insurance Law is a summary of the development of the U.S.insurance law in recent years.The Restatement is centered on the contractual rights and obligations between the insured and the insurer.With the conflicts between the pro-insurer rules and the pro-insured rules as the main thread,the Restatement has clarified,summarized and updated the rules in liability insurance contract interpretation,misrepresentation,duty to defend,enforcement and relief,etc..With the emergence of financial consumer protectionism,there are different opinions for a long time as whether Chinese Insurance Law will tilt towards Consumer Protection Law or Commercial Law.Since China’s Insurance Law is influenced by the United States in terms of rules and practices,using the Restatement as the institutional sample for our observation can offer some thoughts on China’s reform on the Insurance Law from the perspective of content of rules.Furthermore,for the efforts on and compromise between insurance consumer protection and protection of insurer’s commercial operation in the post-financial crisis era,the Restatement can offer some references on the debate over"consumer law"and"commercial law",with"the United States"as the methodology.
作者 何启豪 金融 HE Qi-hao;JIN Rong
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期114-127,共14页 Insurance Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“气候巨灾保险的法律制度研究:以保险作为准政府机制的正当性为中心”(项目编号:18YJC820024) 中国政法大学科研创新项目(项目编号:10818433) 中国政法大学青年教师学术创新团队支持计划(项目编号:18CXTD05)。
关键词 《责任保险法重述》 亲被保险人规则 亲保险人规则 保险消费者保护 Restatement of the Liability Insurance Law pro-insured rule pro-insurer rule insurance consumer protection
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