
新冠肺炎疫情对全球食物安全的影响及对策 被引量:77

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Global Food Security and the Coping Strategy
摘要 当前,新冠肺炎疫情已在全球扩散,许多本就因为冲突、自然灾害或气候变化而深陷食物不安全的国家和地区的防疫形势也日益严峻。虽然目前全球食物供给总体充足,食物价格稳定,但疫情的快速蔓延将给全球食物安全带来威胁。由于隔离和边境关闭,市场、供应链和贸易受到波及,全球食物的供给受到影响。食物流通渠道可能因运输中断和更加严格的检疫措施而受阻,运输成本和贸易成本增加、效率降低。一些国家为保障国内食物供应而采取限制出口的行为,将影响依赖于粮食进口的国家进口粮食,也不利于依赖于出口初级农产品的低收入发展中国家出口农产品。封锁措施带来的经济影响使居民收入和购买力下降,居民获得充足的营养食物变得更加困难。食物安全不再是一个区域性问题,而是一个需要共同应对的全球性问题,各国应当共同努力,加强合作和全球治理,对最弱势群体采取迅速的保护和援助措施。既要确保国内食物供应链的正常运行,同时,应该保持贸易开放,并利用和创新电子商务保障食物供应,保障全球粮食安全。 As COVID-19 spreads around the globe,various border controls and containment measures have been introduced to contain the disease across countries.These controls could potentially lead to hiccups in global food security.The effects could be even stronger in those countries that are already facing exceptional emergencies due to ongoing or emerging conflicts and natural disasters.Currently,the global food supply is generally sufficient and the food prices remain stable.But there could be severe threats to global food security if the COVID-19 further spreads.Global food supply will be affected as a consequence of value chain disruption from lockdowns and other restrictions.Restrictions on movement within and across countries can hinder food-related logistic services,disrupt entire food supply chains and affect food availability.Export restrictions will affect both low-income countries that depend on food imports and developing countries that depend on the export of primary agricultural products.The possible global recession caused by the COVID-19 spread will lead to reductions in income and purchasing power of residents,making it more difficult for residents to obtain adequate nutritious food.Countries need to work together to strengthen cooperation during this pandemic that is affecting all regions of the world.Governments will need to strengthen their cooperation on global governance and implement policies and programs that target those most vulnerable.Trade channels should be kept open.E-commerce and delivery companies should be encouraged to play a key role to secure continued food access both domestically and internationally.
作者 陈志钢 詹悦 张玉梅 樊胜根 Chen Kevin;Zhan Yue;Zhang Yumei;Fan Shenggen
出处 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期2-12,共11页 Chinese Rural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目“重大冲击和变化对中国—全球农业影响模拟模型的研究和开发”(编号:71761147004) 中国农业科学院科技创新工程“人才引进专项”(ASTIP-IAED-2020-RY-01) 浙江大学-国际食物政策研究所国际发展联合研究中心项目“新冠肺炎疫情对中国和全球食物安全的影响研究”(编号:126000-541902)的资助。
关键词 新冠肺炎疫情 全球 食物安全 政策建议 COVID-19 Global Food Security Coping Strategy
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