
农村收入差距抑制了农户创业吗?--基于流动性约束与人力资本投资视角的实证分析 被引量:62

Does Rural Income Inequality Restrain Farmers’Entrepreneurship?
摘要 改革开放以来,中国农村内部收入差距呈现扩大态势,收入差距的扩大对农村家庭产生了深远影响。本文利用2012~2016年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,研究了农村收入差距对农户创业行为的影响及其作用机制。实证研究发现,农村收入差距的扩大显著降低了农户创业的概率,基尼系数每提高0.1单位,农户创业的概率下降1.45%,这一数值约为农村地区创业比例的21%,具有显著的经济意义。通过面板数据双向固定效应模型、滞后效应和工具变量法克服内生性问题后,结果仍然稳健。研究还发现,农村收入差距的扩大显著降低了农户创业的参与人数、经营规模、经营绩效和新创企业的概率,并显著提高了创业失败的可能性,增加了从事农业生产的人数和家庭成员外出打工的概率。机制分析发现,农村收入差距的扩大提升了农户面临流动性约束的概率并降低了农户的人力资本投资,从而抑制了农户创业。此外,异质性分析还发现,农村收入差距的扩大对低教育水平、中低收入阶层和中西部地区家庭产生了更显著的负向影响。本文的研究为全面认识农村创业的影响因素提供了新视角,对更好地推动"大众创业、万众创新"在农村的贯彻实施具有政策启示。 Since the reform and opening-up,the income inequality in the rural areas of China has been expanding,generating a profound impact on rural families.Based on the data of China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)from 2012 to 2016,this article examines the impact of rural income inequality on rural households’entrepreneurial behavior and its mechanism.The study finds that the growing income inequality in rural areas significantly reduces the probability of rural households to start businesses.For every 0.1 increase in Gini coefficient,the probability of farmers’entrepreneurship decreases by 1.45%,equivalent to about 21%of the proportion of entrepreneurship in rural areas.This has prominent economic significance.After the endogeneity problem is overcome through two-way fixed effect model of panel data,hysteretic effect and instrumental variable method,the results remain stable.The study also finds that the growing income inequality in rural areas significantly reduced the number of farmers who participate in entrepreneurship,the scale of operations,the performance of operations and the probability of starting new businesses,and significantly increased the probability of entrepreneurial failure,increased the number of farmers engaged in agricultural production and the probability of migration.The mechanism analysis finds that the widening income inequality in rural areas increases the probability of farmers facing liquidity constraints and reducing the investment in human capital.In addition,heterogeneity analysis also finds that the expansion of rural income inequality has a more significant negative impact on low human capital,middle-low income groups and the households in the central and western regions.The conclusion of the study provides a new perspective for a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect rural entrepreneurship,and has certain policy implications for further promoting the implementation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas.
作者 尹志超 刘泰星 王晓全 Yin Zhichao;Liu Taixing;Wang Xiaoquan
出处 《中国农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期76-95,共20页 Chinese Rural Economy
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“流动性约束与中国家庭金融行为”(编号:71373213) 青年北京学者项目 首都经济贸易大学重大项目培育计划的资助。
关键词 农村收入差距 农户创业 流动性约束 人力资本投资 Rural Income Inequality Farmer’s Entrepreneurship Liquidity Constraint Human Capital Investment
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