
口腔种植固定义齿数字化印模精度的研究进展 被引量:7

Research progress on the precision of digital impressions used in implant-supported fixed prostheses
摘要 随着数字化技术在口腔治疗中的广泛应用,数字化印模已成为越来越多种植医师在印模制取时的选择。数字化印模具有患者体验佳、椅旁时间少、精度高等优势。本文回顾近5年的临床与基础实验研究文献,概述数字化印模精度的影响因素,给临床医师提供科学合理的建议。文献复习结果表明,影响数字化印模精度的根本因素是数字化印模系统的成像方式及其配套软件。由于数字化印模系统受限于目前科技发展水平,印模精度易受到医师扫描方式及策略、操作熟练度、扫描杆材质及形态、患者口内情况与环境光源等因素影响。建议医师在合理选用印模系统的情况下,严格控制环境灯光,应用直接法于口内获取印模以期获得高精度印模。在未来的应用中,印模系统的逐步更新可减少系统性误差,从而降低医师操作难度,提升印模精度。 Since the digital impression technique has already been widely used in dental therapy,it has grown into a popular option among implant practitioners.The advantages of the digital impression technique are as follows:better ex-perience for patients during the treatment;less chair-side time consumption;and reliability in making the precise im-pression.Thus,we reviewed the relevant factors that impact the precision of the digital impression technique and intro-duced its influence mechanism through an evidence-based method that was based on analyzing in vitro and in vivo litera-ture published within the previous 5 years,with a focus on such considerations as relevant factors to dentists,digital im-pression systems,patients,and the environment.A review of the literature showed that the main factors that have a large influence on impression precision are imaging techniques and the software for the impression system.However,due to the development of impression systems that are restricted at scientific and technological levels,impression precision is affected by multiple factors,such as scanning techniques,dentist operation proficiency,material and contours of scan-bodies,patient conditions,and ambient light.Dentists are advised to scientifically choose the impression system,limit ambient light and adopt direct techniques that could enhance impression precision.In the future,the development of im-pression systems could reduce the systematic errors,decrease the operating complexity of dentists,and improve impres-sion precision.
作者 李尊泰 孟维艳 LI Zuntai;MENG Weiyan(Oral Implantology Department,Hospital of Stomatology,Jilin University,Changchun 130000,China;Jilin Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Intelligent Oral Treatment Technology,Changchun 130000,China)
出处 《口腔疾病防治》 2020年第7期463-467,共5页 Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81571007)。
关键词 数字化 印模 扫描成像技术 真实度 精度 误差 种植修复 固定义齿 医师因素 患者因素 环境因素 digitization impression scanning imaging technology trueness precision errors implant re-pair fixed denture physician factor patient factor environmental factor
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