
健美操和慢跑对外向型女大学生锻炼情绪体验的影响 被引量:20

The Effect of Aerobics and Jogging on the Emotional Experience of Exercising Female College Students
摘要 目的:探究健美操和跑步两种运动方式对外向稳定性和外向不稳定型女大学生身体锻炼情绪体验的影响。方法:随机选取100名大学生填写《艾森克人格问卷简式量表(中国版)》(EPQ-RSC),按照人格特征随机选取20名外向稳定型女大学生和20名外向不稳定型女大学生,并分为外向稳定型健美操组、外向稳定型跑步组、外向不稳定型健美操组和外向不稳定型跑步组。对两组健美操组受试者进行第三套大众有氧健美操一级动作运动干预,对两组跑步组受试者进行跑步运动干预,运动前后填写《主观锻炼体验量表》(SEES)。结果:外向稳定型人格受试者进行健美操干预可增加其积极幸福感,减少心理烦恼;跑步干预后,增加积极幸福感,但同时也增加了疲劳感。外向不稳定型人格进行健美操干预可增加其积极幸福感,减少了心理烦恼和疲劳感。进行跑步干预可增加其积极幸福感维度得分,减少心理烦恼。结论:身体锻炼可以提高女大学生积极幸福感,减少心理烦恼,缓解疲劳;健美操更有利于改善外向稳定型女大学生锻炼情绪体验;跑步可以更好地提高外向不稳定型女大学生主观锻炼体验。 Objective:To explore the effects of aerobics and running on the external stability and emotional experience of female students with outward instability. Methods:100 college students were randomly selected to fill out the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(Chinese version)(EPQ-RSC). 20 exogenous stable female college students and 20 outwardly unstable female college students were randomly selected according to personality characteristics. It is divided into an outward stable aerobics group,an outward stable running group,an outward unstable aerobics group and an outward unstable running group.The third set of aerobic aerobics first-level exercise interventions were performed on the two groups of aerobics subjects,and the running activities of the two groups of running subjects were performed. The exercise intervention time was 30 minutes(excluding preparation activities and relaxation),and the medium exercise intensity was once. Fill in the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale(SEES) before and after the exercise. Results:The scores of the three dimensions before and after exercise were compared:the scores of positive happiness dimensions were significantly improved(P<0.01),and the scores of psychological annoyance dimensions were significantly lower(P<0.05). The comparison between the data groups of each group:in the dimension of positive happiness,there was a significant difference between the scores of the outward stable running group and the outward stable stable aerobics group(P<0.05),and the scores of the outward unstable running group and the outward stable running group were significantly different(P<0.05);Dimensions,the scores of the outward unstable running group and the outward stable running group were significantly different(P<0.05). In the fatigue dimension,the scores of the outward stable running group and the outward stable aerobics group were significantly different(P<0.05). Conclusion:Physical exercise can improve the positive happiness of female college students,reduce psychological troubles and relieve fatigue. Aerobics is more conducive to improving the emotional experience of female students with outward stability. Running can improve the subjective exercise experience of female college students with outward instability.
作者 王利雅 杨佳英 WANG Liya;YANG Jiaying(Nanjing Institute of Physical Education,Nanjing 210014,China;School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China)
出处 《南京体育学院学报》 2020年第4期45-50,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Sports Institute
关键词 情绪体验 人格特征 健美操 慢跑 锻炼方法 emotional experience personality traits aerobics jogging exercise methods
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