
电弧加热器铜污染组分效应发射光谱定量研究 被引量:6

Quantitative measurements of copper contamination in arc heater by using emission spectroscopy
摘要 电弧加热器是研究飞行器气动热防护问题的重要地面试验平台,其采用电极放电加热获得高温气体的方式,会产生铜蒸汽粒子,并随同进入地面试验模拟的等离子体气流,产生电弧风洞地面试验铜污染组分效应。本研究利用发射光谱诊断技术,发展了一套电弧加热器高温流场组分在线诊断测量系统,开展对10 MW高焓叠片式电弧加热器铜电极烧蚀的在线测量,获得了铜原子浓度的实时测量结果。基于所选铜原子谱线,开展了对电弧加热器起弧过程和稳定工作过程的测量,同时分析了管式电极和环形电极下电极烧蚀的情况。研究结果表明:起弧瞬间,电极烧蚀较明显,管式电极的铜原子峰值浓度要明显高于环形电极;稳定工作后,环形电极铜原子烧蚀量迅速下降,并保持在一个较低水平(<10-6),管式电极仍然存在较高、不稳定的烧蚀,显示管式电极的烧蚀量要明显高于环形电极,且管式电极烧蚀量随着电弧加热器运行电流的增加而增加。基于该测量结果,建立了判定电极失效的直接判据,并用于保障电弧加热器运行安全。为研究电弧加热器电极烧蚀及地面试验铜污染组分效应提供了非接触式测量手段,目前,该测量系统已经作为电弧加热器的常规测试手段,提供电弧加热器高温气流的在线诊断。 Arc heater is an important ground test facility to study the aerothermodynamics and thermal protection system for hypersonic vehicles.The arc-heated facility generates copper into the high-temperature plasma flow and contaminate the test flow owing to electrode discharge.This paper developed an in-situ quantitative emission spectroscopy diagnostic system for flow parameter measurement,and the system was utilized to measure mole fraction of copper concentration for a 10 MW high enthalpy segmented constrictor-type arc heater.Based on the selected copper line,measurements were conducted in the early ignition stage and steady-operation stage,and electrode erosions were analyzed for ring electrode and tabular electrode.The results show that there exists high degree electrode-erosion in the early ignition stage,and the peak values of copper concentration for tabular electrode were higher than the values for ring electrode.In the steady operation stage,the copper concentration decreased quickly and maintained a value of below 10-6 by mole for ring electrode,while electrode erosions for tabular electrode were obvious with high and unsteady variation of copper concentration.Meanwhile,the copper concentrations were proportional to the operational current and criteria for electrode degradation were established by the copper concentration measurements to ensure the safety operation for the arc heater.This study provides a mature non-intrusive diagnostic technique to study the electrode erosion and copper contamination for arc-heated facilities,and the developed spectra diagnostic system show advantages for high temperature flow diagnostics as a regular test method.
作者 曾徽 陈智铭 闫宪翔 欧东斌 董永晖 ZENG Hui;CHEN Zhiming;YAN Xianxiang;OU Dongbin;DONG Yonghui(Beijing Key Laboratory of Arc Plasma Application Equipment,China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics,Beijing 100074,China)
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期56-66,共11页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(11802299) 载人航天领域预先研究项目(010502)。
关键词 叠片式电弧加热器 电极烧蚀 铜污染组分效应 发射光谱 等离子体气流 segmented-type arc heater electrode erosion copper contamination optical emission spectroscopy plasma flow
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