
新中国美术的现代性叙事 被引量:7

The Modern Narrative of New China’s Art
摘要 在世界现代美术史上,新中国美术的崛起是一个重大的文化现象。何为"新中国美术"?如何理解它的历史功能、价值取向与现代性维度?如何估价它在人类现代文化史上的意义?这些问题,即为本文所关注并试图阐释的课题。本文以为,新中国美术从建立之初,就秉持五四美术、左翼美术和延安美术以来的传统,并取道苏俄,以抗拒西方现代性为前提,围绕现代民族国家建立与发展的总目标,致力于本土现代美术形态与美学理想的建构。毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》所提出的系列命题,不仅成为新中国美术的指导思想,也是新中国美术实践的路径与规范。依托于新中国成立初期的国家现代化总体规划及建设成果,新中国美术逐渐形成了四个现代性维度:政治化、大众化、民族化、科学化。在对四个维度深入分析的基础上,本文着重强调了新中国美术现代性取向的启示性意义:新中国美术如同这个国家、这个民族一样,一直在寻求一条既不同于西方,也不同于苏联的现代化道路。 In the world’s history of modern art, the rise of fine arts in new China is a huge cultural phenomenon. The following questions are focused and explained in this paper: What is "fine arts in new China"? How to understand its historical function, value orientation, and modernity dimension? How to evaluate its significance in the modern cultural history of mankind? This paper holds that since its establishment, the fine arts in new China, on the premise of resisting western modernity, has followed the traditions of the art revolution during the May 4th Movement, the Left Wing Fine Arts Movement, and the artistic creation during Yan’an period and referred to the artworks of Soviet Russia to work on the local modern art form and the construction of aesthetic ideals towards the general goal of building and developing a modern national state. In Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art, the series of propositions put forward has become not only the guiding ideology of new China’s fine arts, but also the path and standard of new China’s fine arts practice. Relying on the overall planning and construction achievements of national modernization in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the fine arts have gradually formed four modern dimensions: politicization, popularization, nationalization and scientization. Based on an in-depth analysis of the four dimensions, this paper emphasizes the enlightening significance of the modernity orientation of new China’s fine arts, that is, fine arts in new China, like our country and nation, has been seeking a modernization road different from the west and the Soviet Union.
作者 张晓凌 Zhang Xiaoling
出处 《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期6-14,22,共10页 Art Magazine
关键词 新中国美术 毛泽东文艺思想 政治化 大众化 民族化 科学化 new China’s art Mao’s ideas of literature and art politicization popularization nationalization and scientization
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