

Literature Review on the Impact of FDI on Conflict
摘要 通过对外国直接投资是否影响冲突的相关文献进行综述发现,学术界普遍支持外国直接投资加强了东道国国内生产、资本分配和再分配的效率,加速了经济增长,并最终为全体人口创造了福利外部性,从而消减了发生国家间冲突或国内冲突的动机的观点。但依然需要注意的问题是,在研究中选取发达国家、发展中国家或冲突后国家等不同经济体作为研究对象、或者使用不同的数据来源均会对结果产生或多或少的差异,因此在研究过程中需要对此进行详细的界定和说明。另外,国内在这方面的研究有很大的缺口,依然亟需开展多角度、原创性、规范深入的理论研究和经验研究。 By reviewing the literature on whether FDI affects conflict from different perspectives and different research objects, it found that the academic community generally supports the view that FDI enhances the efficiency of domestic production, capital distribution and redistribution in host countries, accelerates economic growth, and ultimately creates a welfare externality for the population as a whole, thereby reducing the motivation for interstate or internal conflicts. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to that different economies such as developed countries, developing countries or post-conflict countries are selected as research objects or different data sources will produce more or less differences in the results. Therefore, it is necessary to define and explain this in detail in the research process. In addition, there is a big gap in domestic research in this field, and it is still urgent to carry out indepth theoretical and empirical research from multiple perspectives, originality and standardization.
作者 侯娜 车丽娟 HOU Na;CHE Li-juan
出处 《经济论坛》 2020年第5期105-112,共8页 Economic Forum
基金 北京高校高精尖学科“战略经济与军民融合”交叉学科支持项目(GJJ2019163) 中央财经大学双一流和特色发展引导学科专项(022959918005)。
关键词 外国直接投资 国际冲突 国内冲突 消减冲突 文献综述 FDI Interstate conflict Internal conflict Reduction of conflict Literature review
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