

Research on Torque Distribution Control Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicle
摘要 混合动力车辆的开发过程中,扭矩分配是扭矩控制的核心,而扭矩分配直接影响到车辆的保电性,经济性和加速性。文章以P0+P3+P4混合动力架构为例,详细阐述了两种不同扭矩分配策略的运行模式,验证分析了这两种扭矩分配策略在性能方面的优劣。 In the process of hybrid electric vehicle development, torque distribution is the core of torque control, and torque distribution directly affects the vehicle’s electrical performance, economic performance and acceleration. Taking P0+P3+P4 hybrid vehicle architecture as an example, this paper expounds the operation modes of two different torque distribution strategies in detail, and verifies the advantages and disadvantages of these torque distribution strategies in terms of performance.
作者 吴光耀 周升辉 王春生 王帅 郭靖 陈聪 Wu Guangyao;Zhou Shenghui;Wang Chunsheng;Wang Shuai;Guo Jing;Chen Cong(BYD Automobile Industry Co.Ltd.,Guangdong Shenzhen 518118)
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2020年第10期115-117,共3页 Automobile Applied Technology
关键词 扭矩分配 保电性 经济性 加速性 Torque distribution Electrical performance Economic performance Acceleration
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