目的制作神经源性膀胱疾病患者所需新型一次性清洁间歇性导尿包。方法该导尿包包括消毒湿纸巾(5张)、水囊(1个,内装10 mL灭菌用水,水囊头有1个螺旋开关)、导尿管(1根,连接引流袋1个,两者为整体式结构,导尿管头端有亲水涂层润滑)和引流袋四部分;并分为男包和女包,区别在于导尿管长度和粗细不同。结果与结论该一次性清洁间歇性导尿包制作简单,携带方便,结构稳定,在操作中不需要另外准备其他用物,不会造成漏尿、弄湿裤子等问题,且能准确记录导出尿液,使用安全方便,可用于神经源性膀胱疾病患者的使用。
Objective To make a new type of disposable clean intermittent catheterization bag for patients with neurogenic bladder disease.Methods The catheterization bag was divided into four parts:disinfection wet paper towel(5 pieces),water bag(1 catheter,containing 10 mL sterilization water,1 screw switch on the head of the water bag),catheter(1 catheter,connecting 1 drainage bag,both of them were integral structure,the end of the catheter was lubricated by hydrophilic coating)and drainage bag.It was divided into male bag and female bag.The difference lied in the length and thickness of the catheter.Results and Conclusion The disposable clean intermittent catheterization bag is easy to make,easy to carry,stable in structure,it is not necessary to prepare other materials in operation,and will not cause leakage of urine,wet pants and other problems,and can accurately record and export urine,which is safe and convenient to use,and can be used for patients with neurogenic bladder disease.
China Pharmaceuticals
disposable clean intermittent catheterization bag
neurogenic bladder disease
intermittent catheterization