
四川省成都市城区气传花粉监测 被引量:11

Monitoring of airborne pollens in urban area of Chengdu City,Sichuan Province
摘要 目的探索四川省成都市城区气传花粉的种类、数量及飘散规律。方法应用重力沉降法于2018年3月1日至2019年2月28日在四川省成都市城区进行为期1年的连续每日气传花粉曝片。结果共收集到花粉139520粒/1000 mm 2,能鉴定的花粉总计隶属36科、31属、2个种。其中构属花粉含量最高,达81754粒/1000 mm 2,占全年花粉总量的58.60%,其播粉期为3~4月,高峰期为3月下半月至4月上半月;其次是柏科花粉,达27518粒/1000 mm 2,占全年花粉总量的19.72%,其播粉期为1~3月,高峰期为1月下旬至3月上旬;大麻/葎草属占第三位,花粉含量5112粒/1000 mm 2,占全年花粉总量的3.66%,其播粉期为8~10月,高峰期为8月下旬至10月下旬。上述3种花粉为本地区优势气传花粉,合计占全年花粉总量的81.98%。含量超过1%的花粉还依次包括银杏、桦木属、松属、悬铃木属、枫杨属及蒿属花粉。全年花粉含量月分布呈现2个高峰,第一高峰为1~5月,主要气传花粉为构属、柏科、银杏、桦木属、松属、悬铃木属、枫杨属等树木花粉,占全年花粉总量的89.38%。第二高峰为8~10月,主要气传花粉为大麻/葎草属、蒿属等莠草花粉,占全年花粉总量的5.04%。结论本地区花粉季节有两个:春季为主要花粉季节,主要气传花粉为构属、柏科等树木花粉;夏秋季为次要花粉季节,主要花粉气传为大麻/葎草属、蒿属等莠草花粉。构属、柏科、大麻/葎草属花粉为本地区优势气传花粉,构属花粉为本地区绝对优势气传花粉。 Objective To investigate the classification,amount,and seasonal distribution of airborne pollens in urban area of Chengdu City,Sichuan Province.Methods Daily airborne pollen monitoring was performed by Gravitational Method since March 1st 2018 to February 28th 2019.Results A total of 139520 grains of pollen/1000 mm 2 were collected.The pollens,which could be identified,belonged to 36 families,31 genera,and 2 species.The most abundant airborne pollen was Broussonetia,with the total annual amount of 81754 grains/1000 mm 2,accounting for 58.60%of the total number of pollen grains in the whole year.Its'pollination period was from March to April,and the peak was from the latter half of March to the first half of April.The second most abundant was Cupressaceae,with the total annual mount of 27518 grains/1000 mm 2,accounting for 19.72%.Its'pollination period was from January to March,and the peak was from late January to early March.The third was Cannabis/Humulus,with the total annual mount of 5112 grains/1000 mm 2,accounting for 3.66%.Its'pollination period was from August to October,and the peak was from late August to late October.The three kinds of pollens mentioned above were the dominant airborne pollens in this area,accounting for as much as 81.98%.In addition,other airborne pollens which were above 1%were Ginkgo biloba,Betula,Pinus,Platanus,Pterocarya,and Artemisia.The mensal distribution of annual airborne pollens showed two peak segments.The first peak was from January to May,and the major airborne pollens were tree pollens,including Broussonetia,Cupressaceae,Ginkgo biloba,Betula,Pinus,Platanus,Pterocarya,ect.accounting for as much as 89.38%.The second peak was from August to October,and the major airborne pollens were weed pollens,such as Cannabis/Humulus,Artemisia,etc.accounting for 5.04%.Conclusions There were two pollen seasons in urban area of Chengdu City:the major one was in spring and minor one in summer-autumn.The major airborne pollens were tree pollens such as Broussonetia,Cupressaceae,etc.and weed pollens such as Cannabis/Humulus,Artemisia,etc.in the two peak seasons respectively.The pollen of Broussonetia,Cupressaceae and Cannabis/Humulus were the dominant airborne pollens in this area,and Broussonetia pollen was the most dominant one.
作者 肖浩 张虹婷 贾巧茹 杨凤娟 孟娟 XIAO Hao;ZHANG Hong-ting;JIA Qiao-ru;YANG Feng-juan;MENG Juan(Allergy Center of Otolaryngology,Head and Neck Surgery Department,West China Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》 2020年第2期99-104,共6页 Chinese Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology
基金 四川省科技厅国际合作项目(2018HH0097) 四川大学华西医院学科卓越发展1·3·5工程临床研究孵化项目(2018HXFH026)。
关键词 气传花粉 花粉监测 花粉鉴定 花粉曝片 airborne pollen pollen survey identification of pollen pollen collection
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