
陈新宇教授辨治新型冠状病毒肺炎115例经验 被引量:2

Professor CHEN Xinyu's Experience in Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of 115 Clinical Cases with COVID-19
摘要 陈新宇教授从“正邪分争”角度分析正邪消长变化辨证论治新型冠状病毒肺炎。陈教授谨守“温热浊毒犯肺”病机,把握“正邪分争”这一影响疾病发展及转归的根本原因,会诊救治新型冠状病毒肺炎患者115例,达167诊次,疗效显著。邪气初入,正气尚足为新冠肺炎“正邪分争”的第一阶段,以祛邪为主,或辛凉透邪,或泻肺防喘,或清热化痰,或运脾化浊;若温热浊毒之邪进一步亢盛,予以宣泄肺热、泻下通腑、分消走泄等逐邪之法,同时兼顾阴分;若邪气极盛,正气欲脱,则予以回阳救逆,或清肺热,固脱并举;经治得当,邪祛正虚,则以扶正为主,更需注意余邪留恋,施以芳香化浊法,总归令患者邪祛正复,归入“平人”。 This paper summarized Professor CHEN Xinyu’s experience in syndrome differentiation and treatment of patients with COVID-19 from the perspective of "struggle between healthy Qi and pathogenic factors". Professor CHEN, sticking to the pathogenesis of "warm and turbid toxicity invading the lung" and grasping the root cause of "the struggle between healthy Qi and pathogenic factors" that affects the development and outcome of the disease, consulted 115 patients with COVID-19, reaching totally 167 person-times, with remarkable curative effect. The first stage of the struggle between healthy Qi and pathogenic factors for COVID-19 is newly invasion of pathogenic factors and sufficient healthy Qi, which should be treated mainly with eliminating pathogenic factors with pungent and cool flavor, or purging the lung to prevent asthma, or clearing away heat and resolving phlegm,or activating the spleen to resolve turbidity;If the pathogenic factor of warm heat and turbid toxicity becomes more and more strong, the method of removing pathogenic factor such as releasing lung heat, purging the bowels, separating dispersion and mobilizing discharge should be used, and considering Yin aspect at same time;Excessive pathogenic factors and collapsed healthy Qi is treated by restoring Yang to the body, or clearing lung heat, solidifying Qi simultaneously;after proper treatment, the pathogenic factors are eliminated with weak healthy Qi, then mainly to strengthen healthy Qi. More attention should be paid to lingering pathogens, and the method of aromatic to resolve turbidity is applied. Finally, the pathogens are eliminated and the patients return to "healthy".
作者 刘佑晖 陈青扬 蔡虎志 林泉成 邓旭 王伟 管聘 陈新宇 LIU Youhui;CHEN Qingyang;CAI Huzhi;LIN Quancheng;DENG Xu;WANG Wei;GUAN Pin;CHEN Xinyu(The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha,Hunan 410007,China;Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha,Hunan 410208,China;The Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changsha,Hunan 410006,China)
出处 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第5期515-520,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
基金 湖南省科技厅重点领域研发计划-社会发展领域重点研发项目(2020SK3009)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 温热浊毒 正邪分争 扶正祛邪 陈新宇 COVID-19 warm heat and turbid toxicity struggle between healthy Qi and pathogenic factors strengthening healthy Qi and eliminating pathogens CHEN Xinyu
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