
文本生成领域的深度强化学习研究进展 被引量:6

Research progress of deep reinforcement learning applied to text generation
摘要 谷歌的人工智能系统(AlphaGo)在围棋领域取得了一系列成功,使得深度强化学习得到越来越多的关注.深度强化学习融合了深度学习对复杂环境的感知能力和强化学习对复杂情景的决策能力.而自然语言处理过程中有着数量巨大的词汇或者语句需要表征,并且在对话系统、机器翻译和图像描述等文本生成任务中存在大量难以建模的决策问题.这使得深度强化学习在自然语言处理的文本生成任务中能够发挥重要的作用,帮助改进现有的模型结构或者训练机制,并且已经取得了很多显著的成果.为此,本文系统阐述深度强化学习应用在不同的文本生成任务中的一些主要方法,梳理其发展的轨迹,分析算法特点.最后,展望深度强化学习与自然语言处理任务融合的前景和挑战. With the recent exciting achievements of Google’s artificial intelligence system in the game of Go, deep reinforcement learning(DRL) has witnessed considerable development. DRL combines the abilities of sensing and making decisions provided by deep learning and reinforcement learning. Natural language processing(NLP) involves a large number of vocabularies or statements that have to be represented, and its subtasks, such as the dialogue system and machine translation, involve many decision problems that are difficult to model. Because of the aforementioned reasons, DRL can be appropriately applied to various NLP tasks such as named entity recognition, relation extraction, dialogue system, image caption, and machine translation. Further, DRL is helpful in improving the framework or the training pipeline of the aforementioned tasks, and notable achievements have been obtained. DRL is not an algorithm or a method but a paradigm. Many researchers fit plenty of NLP tasks in this paradigm and achieve better performance. Specifically, in text generation based on the reinforcement learning paradigm, the learning process that is used to produce a predicted sequence from the given source sequence can be considered to be the Markov decision process(MDP). In MDP, an agent interacts with the environment by receiving a sequence of observations and scaled rewards and subsequently produces the next action or word. This causes the text generation model to achieve decision-making ability, which can result in future success. Thus, the text generation task integrated with reinforcement learning is an attractive and promising research field. This study presented a comprehensive introduction and a systemic overview. First, we presented the basic methods in DRL and its variations. Then, we showed the main applications of DRL during the text generation task,trace the development of DRL,and summarized the merits and demerits associated with these applications.The final section enumerated some future research directions of DRL combined with NLP.
作者 徐聪 李擎 张德政 陈鹏 崔家瑞 XU Cong;LI Qing;ZHANG De-zheng;CHEN Peng;CUI Jia-rui(School of Automation and Electrical Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering for Materials Science,Beijing 100083,China;School of Computer&Communication Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期399-411,共13页 Chinese Journal of Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划云计算和大数据专项资助项目(2017YFB1002304)。
关键词 深度强化学习 自然语言处理 文本生成 对话系统 机器翻译 图像描述 deep reinforcem ent learning natural language processing text generation dialogue system m achine translation image caption
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