
从新冠肺炎疫情防控阻击战看新时代意识形态领域伟大斗争的必要性 被引量:2

On the Necessity of the Great Ideological Fight in the New Era from the Perspective of China′s Combating with the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
摘要 2020年春节前后,中国实行国家总动员,打响了一场史无前例的抗击新冠肺炎阻击战。在抗击新冠肺炎的人民战争中,各种精神问题逐渐凸显出来,既有积极的正能量,又有消极的负能量。各种观念之争说明在新时代意识形态领域的伟大斗争是非常必要的。灾难面前的人性善恶之争,说明人性向善始终是社会的主流价值观,与一切邪恶的东西做斗争是新时代意识形态建设的课题;灾难面前不同的心态反映了人们不同的精神状态和精神境界,赞颂真善美、痛斥假恶丑是社会进步的动力,弘扬主旋律、传递正能量始终是社会主义意识形态建设的主题。新冠病毒是全世界人民共同的敌人,中国人民抗击新冠肺炎疫情的阻击战,彰显"大爱无疆""德不孤,必有邻"的义利观及社会主义制度和国家治理体系的优越性,任何"与己无关"或"落井下石"的行为都是逆历史潮流而动,既不道德,又违背国际道义。讲好中国新冠肺炎防控阻击战的故事,是展示新时代中国特色社会主义形象、建设新时代社会主义意识形态的重要任务。 Around the Chinese Lunar New Year of 2020,the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbroke in Wuhan and rapidly spread all over the country.The government of China took effective measures immediately on a national scale,starting the combating with the unprecedented novel coronavirus pneumonia.How to transform"the evil of virus"into"the good of society"requires our deliberate thought.During the fight against coronavirus,there came various ideological problems,including the positive ones and negative ones.The conflicts between different ideas indicate that the ideological fight is inevitable in the New Era.The struggle between good and evil of human nature during the epidemic disaster shows that the human nature tending to be good is consistently the main stream of the society,and fighting against anything evil is a research task of constructing ideology in the New Era.It is also shown that different mindsets reflect different mental states and different mental outlooks,praising the true,the good,the beautiful,and criticizing the fake,the evil,the ugly are the power to push the society forward,and giving full scope to the theme of the times as well as passing positive energy are always the subjects in constructing socialist ideology in the New Era.The novel coronavirus is the mutual enemy of the whole world.China′s combating with the novel coronavirus manifests its approach to justice and interests such as"boundless love",and"Virtue is not left to stand alone.He who practices it will have neighbors.",and also manifests the superiority of socialist system and the national governing systems.Any behavior like"for all I care"and"hitting the people who is down"conflicts with the trend of history,is unkind,and violates international justice.Telling a good story about China′s combating with the novel coronavirus is an important task in displaying the image of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and in constructing the socialist ideology in the New Era.
作者 辛世俊 XIN Shijun(School of Marxism,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;Yuying Quality Education Research Institute of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003,China)
出处 《河南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Henan University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
关键词 新冠肺炎疫情 新时代 社会主义意识形态 situation of the novel coronavirus pneumonia the New Era socialist ideology
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