

Discussion on Target recognition and tracking location of Visual Robot based on Football match rules
摘要 以FIRA的全自动中型机器人组(RoboSot League)的比赛规则作为设计依据,结合视觉技术、实时图像处理、动态目标追踪、无线通信技术、自动定位、机器人运动控制、路径规划以及控制策略等达成竞赛目的。为了减少环境影响并且能改善定位误差,通过全方位镜取得场地的标线交点,应用交比定理,实现机器人自动定位目标。结果发现交比定位法的误差小于双圆定位法及三点定位法,将通过算法自动计算场地标线交点,进行实时性的定位系统研究。 Based on the competition rules of the FIRA automatic medium robot group(RoboSot League),the competition aims are achieved by combining visual technology,real-time image processing,dynamic target tracking,wireless communication technology,automatic positioning,robot motion control,path planning and control strategy.In order to reduce the environmental impact and improve the positioning error,the intersection point of the mark line of the site is obtained by omni-directional mirror,and the intersection ratio theorem is applied to realize the robot’s automatic positioning target.The results show that the error of cross-ratio method is less than that of double-circle method and three-point method.
作者 禇欢 胡伟 Chu Huan;Hu Wei(Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology,Nanchang Jiangxi 330201)
机构地区 江西服装学院
出处 《保山学院学报》 2020年第2期50-55,共6页 JOURNAL OF BAOSHAN UNIVERSITY
基金 国家自然科学规划一般项目基金“移动机器人目标识别与跟踪技术研究”(项目编号:yjqr19005)。
关键词 机器人 自动定位 全方位镜 交比定理 Robot Automatic positioning Omni-directional mirror Cross ratio theorem
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