
燃气压缩式与双效吸收式耦合热泵的制冷性能 被引量:1

Cooling Performance of a Hybrid Gas Engine Compression-Double Effect Absorption Heat Pump
摘要 本文将燃气机热泵(GEHP)和双效吸收式热泵(DAHP)的优势相结合,提出一种燃气压缩式与双效吸收式耦合热泵(GECDAHP).在此热泵系统中,燃气发动机驱动压缩式热泵,高温烟气驱动吸收式热泵的高压发生器,缸套水和高压发生器的制冷剂蒸气共同驱动吸收式热泵的低压发生器,以实现燃气发动机余热的梯级利用,提高系统的制冷能力.建立了GECDAHP的热力学模型,对比了GEHP、燃气压缩式与单效吸收式耦合热泵(GECSAHP)和GECDAHP三种热泵系统在制冷模式下的系统性能.研究结果表明:相比于GEHP和GECSAHP,GECDAHP的制冷能力分别提高了57%和10%,一次能源利用率分别提高了35%和11%. Combing the opposite characteristics of the gas engine heat pump(GEHP)and double-effect absorption heat pump(DAHP),a novel hybrid gas engine compression-double effect absorption heat pump(GECDAHP)was proposed for performance improvement.Gas engine drives compression heat pump,high temperature exhaust gas of gas engine is used as the heat source of the high pressure generator while the hot water from jacket water heat exchanger is used as the heat source of the low pressure generator,which can achieve the cascade utilization of waste heat of gas engine.The thermodynamic model of the GECDAHP is built for performance simulation.Results show that compared with GEHP and gas engine compression-single effect absorption heat pump(GECSAHP),the cooling capacity of the GECDAHP is improved by 57%and 10%,the PER of the GECDAHP is improved by 35%and 11%.
作者 马振西 刘凤国 张蕊 李盛 MA Zhenxi;LIU Fengguo;ZHANG Rui;LI Sheng(School of Energy and Safety Engineering,TCU,Tianjin 300384,China;Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Future Urban Design,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 102616,China;Departmentof Engineering and Construction,Tianjin TEDA Gas Co.,Ltd,Tianjin 300457,China)
出处 《天津城建大学学报》 2020年第2期137-141,154,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Chengjian University
基金 住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划(UDC2017031012)。
关键词 复合式热泵 燃气机热泵 双效吸收式热泵 一次能源利用率 hybrid heat pump gas engine heat pump double-effect absorption heat pump performance improvement
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