

Application of Behavior Change Theory in Pre-diabetes Patient Care in Orthopedic Surgery
摘要 目的探究针对骨外科糖尿病前期患者应用行为转变理论护理的价值。方法纳入86例骨外科糖尿病前期患者于2017年1月-2019年2月在该院开展研究。依据病历单双号随机选出43例予以常规护理(研究1组),另外43例在研究1组的基础之上实施行为转变理论护理(研究2组),评估两组患者知识掌握程度、血糖控制、伤口感染及满意情况。结果干预后研究2组糖尿病认知、健康行为依从评分,血糖控制水平均优于研究1组;研究2组伤口感染率及满意度分别为2.33%、93.02%,相较于研究1组的23.26%、81.40%更好(P<0.05)。结论针对骨外科糖尿病前期患者应用行为转变理论护理具有重要意义。 Objective To investigate the value of theoretical behavioral nursing for pre-diabetes patients in orthopedic surgery. Methods 86 patients with pre-diabetes in orthopedic surgery were enrolled in our hospital from 2017.01 to2019.02. According to the single and double numbers of the medical records, 43 cases were randomly selected for routine care(Study Group 1), and another 43 cases were implemented with behavioral change theory nursing based on Study 1 Group(Study Group 2). knowledge master degree, glucose control, wound infection and satisfaction were evaluated. Results After the intervention, the 2 groups had diabetes cognitive and health behavior compliance scores, and the blood glucose control level was better than that of the study group 1. The wound infection rate and satisfaction of the 2 groups were 2.33%and 93.02%, respectively, compared with 23.26%, 81.40% in the study group 1, better(P<0.05). Conclusion It is of great significance to apply the theory of behavior change to pre-diabetes patients in orthopedic surgery.
作者 林虹 施晶晶 戴清玉 黄燕鹏 LIN Hong;SHI Jing-jing;DAI Qing-yu;HUANG Yan-peng(Department of Orthopaedics,Section One,the 73rd Army Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army,Xiamen,Fujian Province,361003 China)
出处 《糖尿病新世界》 2020年第6期171-172,共2页 Diabetes New World Magazine
基金 厦门市创伤骨科重点专科建设经费资助.
关键词 骨外科 行为转变理论 糖尿病前期 护理 Orthopedic surgery Behavior change theory Pre-diabetes Nursing
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