
鹿胶的本草考证 被引量:16

Herbalogical study on Cervi Colla
摘要 鹿胶,历史上有2种来源,包括鹿皮胶与鹿角胶,现代以鹿角胶为主,鹿皮胶仅贵州、吉林等民间使用。该文对鹿胶自周朝《周礼·冬官·考工记》以来的古今文献进行梳理,经系统的本草考证,发现①古代鹿胶为六胶(鹿胶、马胶、牛胶、鼠胶、鱼胶、犀胶)之首,除作为黏合剂用于制弓、制墨外,入药成为主流应用,鹿角胶以"白胶"之名入药,始载于东汉《神农本草经》。②因鹿皮的历代用途多样化、贵族化及鹿角获得的便利性等原因,古代鹿胶的制备原料由鹿皮与鹿角并重逐渐演变为以鹿角为主,鹿皮退出主流原料。③鹿胶的基原动物为鹿科马鹿Cervus elaphus、梅花鹿C.nippon外,古代还涉及同科其他动物如麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus、水鹿C.unicolor。④鹿胶加工方法从古代延续至今,未发生显著的变化。⑤鹿皮胶与鹿角胶功效同中有异,均性温,鹿角胶温补肝肾,益精养血,偏于补阳;鹿皮胶既能补阳,又可滋阴补血、止血,实为阴阳双补,具有独特优势。该文的考证结果可为鹿皮胶的推广及药用价值开发提供文献支撑。 Cervi Colla,deer′s gelatin,had two kinds of original sources historically,including the skin and antler of deer,known as Cervi Corii Colla(Lupijiao,LPJ)and Cervi Cornus Colla(Lujiaojiao,LJJ)respectively.LJJ is the mainstream of the market,while LPJ is only used by common people in Guizhou and Jilin etc.This article sorted out the ancient and modern literature(since Rites of the Zhou in Zhou Dynasty)on Cervi Colla and conducted the herbalogical study.The results of the study include:①In ancient China,there were six types of commonly-used Colla derived from six animals,including deer,horse,cow,rat,fish and rhinoceros.Cervi Colla was ranked the most top among them,and it was often used as adhesive to make bow and Chinese inksticks and more commonly used as a medicine.Cervi Cornus Colla was first described as a medicinal by the name"Bai Jiao"(white gelatin)in The Divine Husbandman′s Classic of Material Medica(Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing).②Initially,both the skin and antler were used as raw materials to make Cervi Colla,but antler became the only raw material,and deer skin disappeared from the mainstream of raw materials for Cervi Colla.This can be attributed to other diverse and luxurious uses of the skin,such as making dress and hats,etc.,and the easy accessibility of deer antlers.③The sources of Cervi Colla were not limited to Cervus elaphus(red deer)or C.nippon(sika deer),and it also included animal from the family Cervidae,such as Elaphurus davidianus(elk)and C.unicolor(sambar).④The processing method was passed down from ancient times to the present,and no significant changes had occurred.⑤LPJ and LJJ had many similar effects,and their nature was both warm.The effect of LJJ was to warm the liver and kidney,replenish vital essence and blood,and to reinforce Yang.While the effect of LPJ was to reinforce both Yin and Yang,replenish blood,and stop bleeding.It has a unique advantage for both reinforcing Yin and Yang.The findings of this paper can provide support for the promotion of LPJ and the development of its medicinal value.
作者 吴孟华 黄勇 徐浩坤 谢宇 张童 马志国 张英 曹晖 WU Meng-hua;HUANG Yong;XU Hao-kun;XIE Yu;ZHANG Tong;MA Zhi-guo;ZHANG Ying;CAO Hui(Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine of Lingnan(Southern China),Jinan University College of Pharmacy,Guangzhou 510632,China;Guizhou Guangjitang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.,Guiyang 550000,China)
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1188-1193,共6页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家发改委新兴产业重大工程包&国家中医药管理局中药标准化行动计划项目(ZYBZH-Y-GD-13) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2020A151501577) 贵州省科技支撑计划项目(黔科合支撑[2019]2771)。
关键词 鹿胶 鹿皮胶 鹿角胶 考证 Cervi Colla Cervi Corii Colla(deer skin gelatin) Cervi Cornus Colla(deer anlter gelatin) herbalogical study
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