
中国疾病预防控制中心因公出国(境)任务现状及15年变化分析 被引量:3

Situation and 15 years′ variation of overseas visits for official duty by personnel of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
摘要 目的分析中国疾病预防控制中心(中国疾控中心)2015-2019年因公出国(境)任务,与2005-2014年有关数据比较,探讨我国公共卫生领域国际合作在2015-2019年间的发展趋势。方法对因公出国(境)任务人员基本构成、出访事由、出访国家和地区、经费来源进行分析;资料录入和数据整理使用Excel软件,统计学分析使用GraphPad Prism 8软件。结果中国疾控中心2015-2019年派出因公出国(境)人员共2 895人次,具有高级职称者占80.1%;派出本单位人员2 878人次,传染病防控单元占59.1%,技术支撑与管理单元占17.7%,慢性非传染性疾病防控单元占12.2%,公共卫生管理单元占11.0%。2015-2019年因公出国(境)任务出访事由中,会议占65.7%,访问/考察/交流/培训占14.3%,项目合作研究占6.7%,专家工作占1.5%,援外/海外应急占11.8%;事由构成比例与2005-2009年和2010-2014年比较,差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=807.9,P <0.01)。2015-2019年共出访102个国家和地区(不含港澳台地区),各目的地累计到访合计2 886人次,发达国家和地区占60.0%,发展中国家和地区占40.0%,其中非洲国家占17.2%,高于2005-2009年和2010-2014年。经费来源方面,2015-2019年我方支付占57.8%,双方支付占19.2%,外方支付占23.0%;与2005-2009年和2010-2014年比较,外方支付比例持续降低,我方支付和双方支付进一步增加,差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=808.0,P <0.01)。结论 2015-2019年中国疾控中心因公出国(境)人员以高级职称、从事传染病防控工作为主,事由以参会为主;目的地仍以发达国家为主,经费来源以我方支付为主且占比进一步提高。 Objective To examine the situation of overseas visits for official duty by personnel of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention(China CDC) during 2015-2019 and to compare the visits to those during 2005-2014 and to analyze development trends in international cooperation in the field of disease prevention and control. Methods We retrieved archieve data on personnel, task, country or region of destination, and founding source for overseas visits for official duty dispatched by China CDC during 2015-2019. Statistical analysis on the data was performed with GraphPad Prism 8 software. Results Totally 2 895 person-times of overseas visits for official duty were dispatched by China CDC during the5-year period and 80.1% of the dispatched visitors were senior professionals. Of the 2 878 visiting professionals of China CDC, 59.1% were majoring in infectious disease prevention and control, 17.7% in technical support and management, 12.2%in chronic non-communicable disease prevention and control, and 11.0% in public health management, respectively. In terms of objectives of the overseas visits, 65.7% were to attend academic conferences;14.3% were to have academic visit/scholar exchange/training;6.7% were to be engaged in collaborative researches;1.5% were to provide expert consultations, and11.8% were to support academic research/emergency response abroad;the distribution for the objective of the overseas visits during the 5-year period was significantly different from that of the visits during 2005-2009 and 2010-2014(χ~2 = 807.9,P < 0.001). The destinations of the 2 886 overseas visits included 102 countries and regions(excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan regions);of the counties/regions of destination for the overseas visits, 60.0% and 40.0% were developed and developing countries/regions and 17.2% were countries/regions in Africa, with a significantly higher ratio than that during 2005-2009 and 2010-2014. For all the overseas visits, 57.8% and23.0% were financially supported by domestic and foreign funding and 19.2% by combined funding. In comparison with that during 2005-2009 and 2010-2014, the proportion of the overseas visits financially supported by domestic funding and by combined funding increased significantly(χ~2 = 808.0, P < 0.001). Conclusion During 2015-2019, the overseas visits for official duty dispatched by China CDC were mainly conducted by senior professionals majoring in infectious disease prevention and control and main missions of the visits were to attend academic conferences and the destinations of the visits were mainly developed countries. The majority of the visits were financially supported by domestic funding.
作者 胡静然 丁旭虹 邹运铎 刁菲 王晓琪 HU Jing-ran;DING Xu-hong;ZOU Yun-duo(Office of International Cooperation,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期605-608,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 中国疾控中心外事处WHO合作项目(601008)。
关键词 中国疾病预防控制中心 公共卫生 国际合作 全球卫生 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention public health international cooperation global health
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