

Prepare Aging with Grace:A Study on the Development of Aesthetic Ability of an Aging Society
摘要 通过建立全生命历程个体-社会发展ABC-H模型,分析个体全生命历程的身体力、社会力和文化力三大增龄性维度,以及公平性、等效性、持续性和进步性(FECP)四个社会价值关系。基于社会人格发展的自我同一性视角,提出完满老龄化的理论主张,针对老年人普遍存在同一性混乱的问题,提出社会支持系统的主体理念建设应高度重视生活方式持续性的影响作用,并重点讨论日常生活是主体情感完满的核心领域,通过持续性学习的生活方式形成,发现与日常生活共情的审美对象的价值力量,实现有准备的优雅老去。 By establishing the ABC-H model of the individual-social development of the whole life course,the three ageing dimensions of the physical,social and cultural strengths of the individual’s whole life course are analyzed,as well as the four social value relationships of fairness,equivalence,continuity and progressiveness(FECP).Based on the perspective of self-identity in the development of social personality,it puts forward the theory of full aging.Aiming at the problem of the identity chaos in the elderly society,it is proposed that the construction of the main idea of the social support system should attach great importance to the impact of sustainable lifestyles.It also focuses on discussing daily life as the core area of subjective emotional fulfillment.Through the formation of a lifestyle of continuous learning,it discovers the value of aesthetic objects that empathize with daily life,and achieves prepared aging with grace.
作者 朱红缨 ZHU Hongying(Modem Service Industry School of Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310015,China)
出处 《浙江树人大学学报》 2020年第2期61-66,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(18NDJC276YB)。
关键词 人口老龄化 增龄性 老年人社会 生活方式 审美力 aging population aging aging society lifestyle aesthetic ability
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