
论受贿罪的实行行为 被引量:15

On Bribery’s Act of Perpetration
摘要 受贿罪实行行为的界定,需要结合公职不可谋私利性的保护法益,在厘清相关立法规定之间关系的基础上,遵循体系融贯性与合目的性的方法论要求。职务关联性与"为他人谋取利益"均非实行行为的组成部分。职务关联性是作为客观附随要件存在,宜理解为直接或间接利用本人职位的影响力。"利用职务上的便利"的成立,仅要求行为人利用基于职位本身的规范上或事实上的支配性影响,不以存在特定的职务行为为必要,也不以在获取财物的当时具备国家工作人员的主体资格为前提。"为他人谋取利益"位于主观构成要件层面,属于收受型受贿的主观动机要素,旨在将公职公用与单纯私人交往的情形排除在外,从而将受贿罪的处罚范围限于公职私用的场合。受贿罪属于单一行为犯,获取财物作为实行行为而存在,故而应以是否获得财物作为既遂的标准,并以此为基础来理解受贿故意的内容。对其中的财物,应在财产的意义上作扩张性理解,只需具备客观或主观的价值之其一即可。 How the perpetrating act of bribery is defined would be based on the legal-goods doctrine of non-self-profitability of public office, while it is also essential to clarify the relationship among the relevant statutory provisions and to follow the double requirements of coherence and purposiveness in the methodology. Neither the element of duty relevancy nor "Securing benefit for others" are the components of the perpetrating act. Duty relevancy is no more than a circumstance element of bribery’s actus reus, and it should be understood as making direct or indirect use of the influence of one’s public office. To constitute the element of "taking advantage one’s duty convenience", an actor is only required to utilize his public office’s normative and factual influences of domination;specific duty behaviors would be not required to exist, and there is also no need of owning a qualification of state functionary at the time of acquiring property. "Securing benefit for others" belongs to the subjective element of motive in the type of accepting bribes, and its aim is to exclude the two situations of accepting gifts both in public interaction and in private life, so as to limit the incriminating scope of bribery only to such an occasion of a private use of public office. Bribery is an offense of a single act, and its act of perpetration is to acquire property. This means that the intention of bribery needs be defined correspondingly, and property acquisition would be a mark for accomplishment of bribery. The concept of property ought to be expansively constructed, and it could be established as long as it has an objective or subjective economic value.
作者 劳东燕 Lao Dongyan
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期17-34,共18页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“我国刑法修正的理论模型与制度实践研究”(项目编号:16ZDA60)的阶段性成果
关键词 受贿罪 实行行为 利用职务上的便利 为他人谋取利益 斡旋受贿 Bribery Act of Perpetration Taking Advantage of One’s Duty Convenience Securing Benefit for Others Mediatory Bribery
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