
城市雨水径流中溶解性有机物的分子化学多样性 被引量:15

Molecular Chemo-diversity of the Dissolved Organic Matter Occurring in Urban Stormwater Runoff
摘要 雨水径流中溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matter,DOM)是影响城市水生态环境安全的重要因素.为了揭示城市不透水路面雨水径流(pavement runoff,PR)和绿地雨水径流(greenland runoff,GR)中DOM组分特征及其来源上的区别,应用具有超高分辨率的傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer,FT-ICR-MS)对两者的DOM分子化学多样性进行表征,并从DOM分子化学多样性与环境因子之间的斯皮尔曼(Spearman)相关性的角度进行分析.结果表明:①在分子累计到达饱和状态下,PR-DOM的分子累计数量(12498种)远大于GR-DOM(7015种),其分子分布(150~750)比GR-DOM(150~850)更为集中,且相对分子质量普遍小于GR-DOM;②根据分子组成及其相关性分析,PR-DOM和GR-DOM的组分及来源存在明显差异.PR-DOM组成受人为活动影响较大,其主要成分(CHOS)中含有大量可能来源于人为使用的表面活性剂的磺酸类物质,且显著存在的脂肪族成分的主要来源应为交通污染.而GR-DOM组成受人为活动影响较小,其主要成分(CHO)以NOM为主,且大部分高度不饱和酚类化合物主要来源于降雨对土壤表层植物残体降解所形成的腐殖质的冲刷. Stormwater runoff pollution occurring in urban areas can be a notable threat to the ecological environments of receiving water bodies. Dissolved organic matter(DOM) constitutes the primary type of pollutant in stormwater runoff, and tracking of its components and sources can provide valuable scientific bases for the future abatement of stormwater runoff pollution. In this study, aiming to demonstrate the characteristics and sources of the contained DOM in both pavement runoff(PR) and greenland runoff(GR), we applied ultra-high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry(FT-ICR-MS) to analyze the molecular chemo-diversity of their DOM, as well as Spearman rank correlations between the molecular chemo-diversity and water quality indicators including suspended solids(SS), total nitrogen(TN), dissolved organic carbon(DOC), and dissolved lead(Pb). The results show: ① When the molecular accumulation reaches a saturated state, the cumulative number of molecules of PR-DOM(12498) is much larger than that of GR-DOM(7015). The molecular distribution of PR-DOM(150-750) is smaller yet more concentrated than that of GR-DOM(150-850). ② According to the molecular composition characterization and Spearman rank correlation analysis, the sources of the components of PR-DOM and GR-DOM are remarkably different. PR-DOM can be greatly influenced by human activities, and its primary element component(CHOS) contains a large number of substances that were recognized to be from the surfactant sulfonic acid. Additionally, the significant aliphatic components that emerged were from traffic pollution. In contrast, GR-DOM is less affected by human activities, and its primary element component(CHO) gives priority to natural organic matter(NOM). The most abundant substance component that occurred in GR-DOM, i.e., the highly unsaturated and phenolic compound that generally originates in the degraded humus, is initially formed by the plant residue and flushed by rainfall runoff.
作者 聂云汉 陈浩 李磊 朱弈 赵昕 贾其隆 徐慧婷 叶建锋 NIE Yun-han;CHEN Hao;LI Lei;ZHU Yi;ZHAO Xin;JIA Qi-long;XU Hui-ting;YE Jian-feng(College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China;Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences,Shanghai 20233,China;College of Engineering,Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,China)
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期2272-2280,共9页 Environmental Science
基金 上海市自然科学基金项目(19ZR1443800,19ZR1443700) 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFD1100502-02,2017YFE0135500) 上海市科研计划项目(19DZ1204500) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07207001-02) 上海市生态环境局科研项目(HHK2019-6,HHK 2018-1) 国家自然科学基金项目(51908355)。
关键词 溶解性有机物(DOM) 雨水径流 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR-MS) 分子化学多样性 来源 dissolved organic matter(DOM) stormwater runoff fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer(FT-ICR-MS) molecular chemo-diversity source
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