
航空信息网络集中控制器部署优化策略研究 被引量:4

Research on Optimization Strategy of Centralized Controller Deployment in Airborne Information Network
摘要 针对逻辑集中控制式软件定义航空信息网络架构下的控制器优化部署问题,提出了一种基于改进蝙蝠算法的控制器优化部署方法(OBA-CP)。以全局平均时延、全网中断概率和控制器负载失衡度为优化目标建立了多控制器部署问题的整数规划模型,在基本蝙蝠算法中引入变速度修正因子和高斯变异扰动,避免了陷入局部极值的困境,通过不断迭代进化研究航空信息网络中传输节点与控制器的优化分配方案。仿真实验结果表明,通过该方法寻优能够在保证算法快速收敛的同时提高解的收敛精度,从而获得控制器优化部署方案的非劣最优解集,实现对网络中多控制器的合理有效配置。与传统算法相比,OBA-CP算法在网络延迟、可靠性和负载均衡等方面具有更好的网络性能。 Aiming at the optimal deployment for controllers under software-defined airborne information network architecture based on logical centralized control, a method of controller placement based on optimized bat algorithm(OBA-CP) is proposed. An integer programming model about multi-controller placement problem is established based on the global average delay, the outage probability of whole network and the controller load imbalance. The variable speed correction factor and Gauss variation perturbation are introduced in the basic bat algorithm to avoid falling into local optimization problems. The optimized allocation scheme of transmission nodes and controllers in the airborne information network is studied through continuous iterative evolution. The simulation results show that the optimization method proposed in this paper can improve the convergence speed and precision, so as to obtain the Pareto optimal solution set and realize the reasonable and effective allocation for multiple controllers in the network.Compared with traditional algorithms, the OBA-CP algorithm has better network performance in network delay,reliability and load balance.
作者 冉金鹏 赵尚弘 王翔 RAN Jinpeng;ZHAO Shanghong;WANG Xiang(Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi'an 710077,China)
出处 《计算机科学与探索》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期966-974,共9页 Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金,Nos.91638101,61571461。
关键词 软件定义航空信息网络 控制器部署问题 多目标优化 改进蝙蝠算法 software-defined airborne information network controller deployment problem multi-objective optimization improved bat algorithm
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