
黎族地区2014-2017年死因监测结果和期望寿命分析 被引量:3

Analysis of 2014-2017 years death cause and life expectancy among residents in Li nationality Area
摘要 目的分析五指山市的死亡谱和期望寿命,以便科学地评价居民的健康水平和影响死亡的因素,为制定卫生策略提供科学依据。方法通过多种途径收集五指山市2014年1月1日至2017年12月31日常驻人口的相关死亡信息,分析疾病报告死亡率、死亡构成、死因顺位以及采用死因漏报调查校正死因率后计算期望寿命等指标。结果 2014-2017年共报告2 147例死亡病例,四年平均报告死亡率为5.06‰(标化死亡率为4.82‰),男性死亡率(6.29‰,标化5.90‰)比女性(3.65‰,标化3.38‰)高;死亡率随着年龄增加而升高,0岁组有一个小高峰(6.80‰),65岁后升高幅度增加;前五位死因(比例)分别为心脏病(18.8%)、恶性肿瘤(18.2%)、脑血管病(14.6%)、呼吸系统疾病(9.6%)和消化系统疾病(9.3%);男性顺位为恶性肿瘤(19.0%)、心脏病(16.9%)、脑血管病(13.7%)、消化系统疾病(12.0%)、损伤与中毒(9.7%);女性为心脏病(22.5%)、恶性肿瘤(16.7%)、脑血管病(16.3%)、呼吸系统疾病(19.9%)和糖尿病(4.7%);各年龄首位死因(比例):0岁组首发疾病为围生期疾病(66.7%),1~14岁和15~34岁组以损伤与中毒(56.7%、38.5%)为主,35~49岁和50~64岁组为恶性肿瘤(21.4%和31.8%),65~79岁和80岁以上为心脏病占第一位(26.5%和28.3%);各类死因占第一位的病种及比例:心脏病为急性心梗(33.7%),脑血管病为脑出血病(55.2%),呼吸系统疾病为慢性下呼吸道疾病(58.3%),恶性肿瘤为肝癌(28.6%),消化系统疾病为肝病(66.0%)。本市2014年常驻人口校正的平均期望寿命为75.05岁,男性和女性分别为70.37岁和80.85岁。结论本市死亡水平相对稳定,当地死亡水平在5‰之间,平均期望寿命为75.05岁,女性期望寿命比男性高10岁左右。 Objective To analyze the level of death and life expectancy in Wuzhishan city, to evaluate the health level of the residents and the factors that affect the death, and to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of health strategies. Methods Death data of the residents from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017 were collected to analyze the mortality, death composition, death cause order, and life expectancy. Results There were 2 147 deaths from2014 to 2017, and the average mortality rate was 5.06‰ in the 4 years and the standardized mortality rate of 4.82‰. The mortality rates(the average mortality rate, standardized mortality rate) were significantly higher in males(6.29‰, 5.90‰)than females(3.65‰, 3.38‰). The mortality rate increased with age: the 0 year group had a small peak(6.80‰), and the increase range increased after 65 years. The top 5 causes of deaths were heart disease(18.8%), malignancity(18.2%), cerebrovascular disease(14.6%), respiratory system disease(9.6%), and digestive system disease(9.3%);for males, the top 5 causes of deaths were malignancy(19.0%), heart disease(16.9%), cerebrovascular disease(13.7%), digestive system disease(12.0%), injury and poisoning(9.7%);for females, the top 5 causes of deaths were heart disease(22.5%), malignancy(16.7%), cerebrovascular diseases(16.3%), respiratory diseases(19.9%), and diabetes mellitus(4.7%). For different age groups, the first cause of death was preinatal disease in the 0 year group(66.7%), injury and poisoning in the 1-14 and 15-34 year old group(56.7%, 38.5%), malignancy in the 35-49 and 50-64 years group(21.4%, 31.8%), and heart disease in the 65-79 and over 80 years group(26.5%, 28.3%). Among different diseases causes, the top disease was acute myocardial infarction(33.7%) for heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage(55.2%) for cerebrovascular disease, chronic lower respiratory tract disease(58.3%) for respiratory disease, liver cancer(28.6%) for malignancy, liver disease(66.0%) for digestive system disease. The average life expectancy of the residents corrected in 2014 was 75.05 years old, with 70.37 years old for males and 80.85 for females. Conclusion The level of death in Wuzhishan city was relatively stable, which basically reflects the local death rate.
作者 符美艳 陈冬燕 黄大和 林明灿 何绍甫 符艳 FU Mei-yan;CHEN Dong-yan;HUANG Da-he;LIN Ming-can;HE Shao-fu;FU Yan(Wuzhishan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Wuzhishan 572299,Hainan,CHINA;Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Haikou 570203,Hainan,CHINA)
出处 《海南医学》 CAS 2020年第10期1339-1342,共4页 Hainan Medical Journal
基金 2014-2017年中央转移支付项目。
关键词 五指山市 死因监测 死亡率 死因顺位 期望寿命 Wuzhishan county Death cause surveillance Mortality rate Death cause order Life expectancy
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